Product development is a process with multiple stages, which in turn creates pain points at which problems can arise and issues have to be addressed.
This is where application testing comes into play, as with the right strategy and tools you can smooth out snafus and improve the quality of the finished article.
Here is a look at what application testing involves, what benefits it brings to the table and how it can be harnessed by modern developers.
The basics
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Application testing is aimed at rooting out issues and inconsistencies not just in the final stages of the project, but throughout. This allows you to identify bugs and imperfections as you go along, rather than being overwhelmed by them all further down the line and having to spend ages unpicking errors.
Another advantage of modern technologies and methods is that they can be used to take the heavy lifting out of the process. For example, with app testing automation you can offload many of the tasks which would otherwise have to be done manually to a solution that takes care of them for you.
So in short, testing apps thoroughly is both simpler and more effective than ever at the moment, so there is no excuse to take half-measures.
The benefits
First and foremost, application testing is advantageous because it means you can work towards releasing a product of a higher quality.
There are important lessons to be learned from organizations which have attempted to rush products out and be the first to market with some new innovation, only to find that the lack of polish and subsequent issues leave them out of pocket. Meanwhile rivals that took a little more time to test products and iron out creases could then capitalize on demand without risking the ire of frustrated customers.
First impressions have a lasting impact on users, and your brand’s reputation hangs in the balance during the early hands-on time had with an app. Testing lets you give the best possible showing at this stage, and will save you time and money in the long run.
Of course there are examples of apps and software that have launched in a buggy state, creating critical consternation, only to eventually pull it back and meet expectations later on. However, this is only possible with significant financial backing, which for most developers is not guaranteed.
The methodologies
While we have previously touched on the role that automation now plays in application testing, it is worth pointing out that this is just one piece of the bigger puzzle.
Rigorous planning and documentation of the methodologies involved is also key, and of course the involvement of humans in the testing is essential, especially as they will be the ultimate audience for most apps. For example, if the UI design is not user-friendly, the underlying technical proficiency will be irrelevant.
Your planning should also involve the setting of targets and the definition of the goals you hope to achieve through testing. This will give more focus to your methods, and improve efficiency once a project is underway.
Budget is another consideration at this point. You need to know how much cash you have available to commit to testing, along with the subsequent revisions and changes which may be necessary depending on your findings.
Setting a schedule and implementing deadlines is also worthwhile, as all of these parameters will keep your application testing on track and ideally prevent unwanted delays.
Wrapping up
Testing is crucial to creating quality products, not only in app development but in all industries and contexts.
A consistent, well-documented approach backed up by modern tools will lead you towards the results you want.