Most online sellers focus on improving the nuts and bolts of their business, including order processing and marketing campaigns. Sometimes, they can forget how crucial it is to have a custom design that can set their website apart from the rest. While there are plenty of design templates that they can choose from, this means that they also run the risk of having a website that appears similar to everybody else’s. When you look at the bigger picture, it can take a silent toll on the business.

Why Design Matters

First Impressions

Imagine going to a brick and mortar store, and you see that it is filled with gaudy decor and disorganized product displays. Would you be willing to spend time there? Or would you head to the store across the street with clean interiors and well-organized product lines?

For ecommerce sites, a custom website design matters a great deal. Several studies have shown that it only takes seconds to make an unforgettable impression on your website visitors. Despite the considerable time you spend on writing great content and photographing your products, it won’t matter if your visitors’ interest will not be piqued by your overall design. It all boils down to how you captivate your audience. As a matter of fact, over 90% of first impressions are related to design.

Increase In Revenue

Now that you’ve made a big impression, your website design can also spell success for your store in terms of profitability. Did you know that even minimal changes to the color and font of the “Buy Now” button can significantly impact conversion rates by as much as 2%? If you do the math, this subtle change can add up and increase your revenue over the long-term.

Improve Compliance

Website design also factors in the overall usability of your website. With the stricter guidelines on web content accessibility, you have to make sure that your website considers people who have disabilities. Images and text counterparts should be designed in a way that supports assistive technology. A free design template cannot give you these functionalities. You have to ask someone who knows website content accessibility to implement these design changes. You have to make sure that your website is inclusive and that everyone can purchase items from your store.

Enhance Customer Engagement

A great website design can also help you increase your engagement with your customers. Your website design can help you communicate your branding, whether you are the approachable and easy-going brand or the luxurious, high-end store. You have to understand your website design makes up a huge part of your branding. It also ensures that your logo and graphics remain consistent in all your peripherals.

Elements of Design to Consider

An eye-catching website is one that perfectly combines functionality and aesthetics, including the overall layout, the texts, image placement, and the color scheme. Functionality refers to the manner in which all of these design aesthetics will come together to help enhance user experience (UX).

Take a look at your ecommerce store. Does it stand out from the rest of the other online stores, or does it look exactly like another website? Does it give your target audience the feel and ambiance that you expect it to? If not, it is time to give your ecommerce store that much-need facelift.

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