
So, you’re here for some cat illustration examples, right?

We have plenty of those.

But first, let’s get to the basics.

Many people are lucky to have cats as their pets. Although cats are ubiquitous, they can be tough to please. This characteristic makes many cat owners adore their cats. Cats are the loveliest pets to have. For centuries, cats have been a religious symbol for some and an animal totem for others.

Many artists around the world have been using cats as their muse for inspiration. These are beautiful animals that have been illustrated as a reference. Nothing can be more captivating than a personalized drawing of a cat.

You will undoubtedly enjoy the cat illustrations set dedicated to this beautiful animal if you are a Pet lover. Please take a look at the adorable cat drawings we have lined up for you. The skilled illustrators have made these incredible cat illustrations that will improve your day.

How to draw a cat illustration

Sleeping-Cat Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out
Sleeping-Cat Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

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f3e7s1?v4a60e9ef938a7fa0240ac9ba567062cb Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

f3e7s1?v4a60e9ef938a7fa0240ac9ba567062cb Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

Cats are gifted with daring spirit and confidence to explore the unknown, becoming such playful and lovable creatures. Not only are they gracious, but they are aggressive and stupid as well.

All cats have prominent personalities, but it can be not easy to portray these characteristics in a cute cat drawing. Drawing animals can be challenging, but if you get it right, it’s gratifying.

Cats are fun to draw, whether in a resting stance or full of energy. Any particular challenges they do face. You will draw fantastic cat illustrations with close study, adequate line use, and a bit of practice.

Before you begin, get to know different cat breeds

There are different cat breeds, as in other species. That’s a great place to start if you want to draw your cat!

By making some warm-up cat illustrations of your cat in various poses, you can also take advantage of having a live model. However, you may seek out various cat breeds online, in books or magazines, if you don’t have a cat or want to draw a different cat and choose what one you want to draw.

Collect references for your cat illustration

Cold-n-Rainy Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out
Cold-n-Rainy Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

Finding various pictures of cats in random places is the perfect way to familiarize yourself with an animal’s morphology. The more positions you can see, the better. This makes you understand better how cats move, sit, leap, etc.

This helps you. You should watch your animals as well. The trick to knowing is that regardless of how big and fuzzy they are, every cat runs away.

Get a feel for the character design

Black-Cat-Tote-Club-Kiddo Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out
Black-Cat-Tote-Club-Kiddo Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

This personality can be embodied in a fantastic cat drawing and communicated by expressions and facial features.

Please think of how it can help you play characters with these special features. A slim, slender body can make a cat look sophisticated and poised, while a cat can look a little silly with giant paws.

Sketch in basic shapes

A-Cats-Life Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out
A-Cats-Life Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out


Simplify cat to necessary forms such as circles and ovals and draw light directions to decide the cat’s proportion. Please make sure you add a soft line that, later on, you have no problem erasing. You should take a look at the pose as possible in a few moments when sketching from reality.

For the inexperienced eye, this can be challenging, and that’s good. Even if your cat illustration is only a few lines, it can still express a lot about the cat’s movement. You will build more detail and outline into your picture while you improve your visual memory.

Pick a pose and draw the skeleton

When you’ve done some sketches, it’s time to choose a pose. To find the structure, you need to start withdrawing a proper cat skeleton. Observe the proportions between skull, ribcage, and pelvis, as well as the distances between them. Notice how many joints cats’ front and back legs have and which way they bend.

Observe the tarsus bone in the back leg, protruding backward – this plays a significant role in how this part of a portion is shaped!

Draw a simplified skeleton version now. Draw the skeleton sketch on a different sheet while you’re working online. When you work with a pencil, draw lines very lightly so that the finished painting is not overpowered, you can still delete them later.

Add some muscles

Two-cats Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out
Two-cats Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

Adding any muscles to your skeleton is the next move. This stage attempts to catch and evaluate the form of the cat. They use larger strokes to locate the beet forms and see how the lines flow through joints shifts. Ensure that the records sound reliable and total, prevent uncertain or wobbly lines. Cats are very muscular and bulky beneath all their feathers.

Draw the face of the cat in the cat illustration

Soaps-and-suds Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out
Soaps-and-suds Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

It’s essential to have your cat’s head proportioned. It’s quick to slip for a cliché mindset and give your pet a huge nose, big eyes, and cute little paws. Make sure you pay attention to the proportions of ears, eyes, nose, and mouth. Note also how the head attaches to the shoulders and how the chest reaches into the neck.

Detail the cat’s eyes

Business-Cat-I-Got-the-Memo Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out
Business-Cat-I-Got-the-Memo Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

There is a very definite outline around the eyes of certain kinds of cats. Lightly shadow the skin, making sure the reflecting light is portrayed by leaving a white circle. This would bring more realism into your sketch.

Note the cats have slit-shaped eyes. So they appear more like straight vertical lines when the pupils are small, and when the pupils are large, they have a more rounded form, eclipsing the eye’s colorful iris.

Cats paws cat’s paws are distinctive, their lethal claws tucked within cute fluff balls. Again, all this fluff makes them pretty easy to draw. Just let me show you! An average cat has five fingers, but for walking, it uses only four.

A dew claw is called the fifth one because it is located like your palm. It doesn’t hit the ground usually. There is a pad under each finger, the same one you have under your fingertips.

There’s also an extra pad called the Pisiform. You can feel the bone it covers; any pillow in humans does not cover it.

Add detail and color

Finalize the facial details, like the whiskers and markings, and layer in some color.

Draw long, smooth lines coming from the nose for the cat’s whiskers. Don’t forget about the markings and patterns of your cat. “If the cat has markings, like a tabby cat, and you randomly draw the stripes straight down, it’s going to look a little odd. You have to curve them around the body and the fur.

Keep working on the drawing by lightly shading areas of fur and the kitty’s paws until you are finished.

Drawing cats can help you grow your creative abilities and provide fun pieces to add to your portfolio. But you have to experience the actual thing before you can hop in and draw a pure kitty. So, it would be best if you watched cats before you begin your cat illustration.

Beautiful cat illustration examples

Enough is Enough!
Enough-is-Enough Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out
Enough-is-Enough Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

May 15 (Today) – FYREd FESTIVAL
May-15-Today-FYREd-FESTIVAL Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out
May-15-Today-FYREd-FESTIVAL Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

Random Flying Cat Illustration
Random-Flying-Cat Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out
Random-Flying-Cat Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

Business Cat vs. Paper Jam
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Business-Cat-vs.-Paper-Jam Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

Fat Cat Illustration – Save Me From Myself
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Fat-Cat-Save-Me-From-Myself Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

Cat Catching Butterfly
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Cat-Catching-Butterfly Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

Sleeping Cat
sleeping-cat1 Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out
sleeping-cat1 Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

Naughty spiders
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Naughty-spiders Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

cat1 Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out
cat1 Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

Monday vibes
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Monday-vibes Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

Princess Mew Cat
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Princess-Mew-Cat Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

Errors Design Illustration
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errors-illustration Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

Lazy Cat
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Lazy-Cat Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

spacecat Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out
spacecat Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

I see you Monday
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I-see-you-Monda Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

Spooky Cat
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Spooky-Cat Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

Swag Cat
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Swag-Cat Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

Cozy Kitty
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Cozy-Kitty Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

Touch the sky
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Touch-the-sky Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

Incatnito Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out
Incatnito Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

Tiny Cats
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Tiny-Cats Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

Home Cat
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Home-Cat Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

Credit Karma: Filing Taxes on Time

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Credit-Karma-Filing-Taxes-on-Time Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

Bored Cat

Bored-Cat Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out
Bored-Cat Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out


Pro-cat-inate Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out
Pro-cat-inate Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

Striped kitty

Striped-kitty Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out
Striped-kitty Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out


Charming Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out
Charming Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

Summer cat

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Summer-cat Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

Pet resort

Pet-resort Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out
Pet-resort Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

Gouache Kitty With Monstera

Gouache-Kitty-With-Monstera Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out
Gouache-Kitty-With-Monstera Beautiful cat illustration examples to check out

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