Before you can begin dominating on Youtube, you first have to figure out how to get people to view your content. If nobody is watching your videos, Youtube will disregard your channel and label its low value. Gone are the days where you could post a video and watch the traffic roll in. Youtube is getting smarter and smarter each year and will only show people videos they consider valuable.

In this article, we are going to talk about six clever ways you can hack the Youtube algorithm and get more views.

  1. Buy Youtube Views

If you want to get views in the fastest way possible, the best thing you can do is buy Youtube views for cheap. Not only does this show Youtube that people are interested in your content, but it also makes you look more trustworthy, which will make more people click on your content.

If you decide to use this method, make sure the company uses a slow-drip technique. This means the views will be added slowly, rather than at the same time. As a result, it looks more trustworthy to both Youtube and other people. You also want to ensure the views brought are from legit users as opposed to bots. Buying views from bots will only hurt your ranking, and that’s the last thing you need!

  1. Choose The Right Keywords

When most people start on Youtube, they go for the highly competitive keywords, thinking they will get more traffic. However, this is a common mistake a lot of beginners make!

As with any search engine, you need to be targeting the lower competition keywords at the start. For example, rather than targeting ‘The best tent for camping’, which is competitive, you could go for ‘The best waterproof tent for camping under $200’. You’re correct in thinking you’ll get less traffic with these types of keywords; however, do you prefer less traffic or no traffic? What’s more, once your channel becomes more established, you can start going after more competitive keywords with higher search volume.

  1. Create Amazing Content

Youtube is a visual platform, which means the content tends to be higher quality than blog posts. Combine that with the fact that most Youtubers reveal their identity, and you’ve got yourself an even bigger playing field!

It doesn’t mean there’s no way for smaller creators to have success on Youtube, though it may take more work or time invested before it takes off. Don’t worry, you can still outrank the big dogs! If there’s one thing Youtube loves, it’s high-quality content.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What are my competitors doing?
  • Are there any gaps in their content?
  • What are they missing?
  • How can I create a better video?

To succeed on Youtube, it is excellent to include case studies in your videos.

Let’s say you’re reviewing a popular software product. Rather than going through the pros and cons, your time would be better spent testing it out for yourself by trying to use its features from start to finish! You might also want to compare it with similar products so that people can see how well (or not so well) it stacks up against others in the same category. After all, everyone has their tastes when looking at a product of interest.

Brian Dean, the founder of Backlinko, is an outstanding example of this. He created a long-form blog post that taught people how to get links from high-quality websites using the skyscraper method.

He included a case study that showed his website traffic doubling in just 14 days after applying the technique.

This is just one of the many examples of great content. Alternatively, you could create a video about how the keto diet changed your life after 30 days. As long as the content shows results that are unique to you, people will love it.

  1. Build A Fanbase Of Loyal Subscribers

yt2 6 Ways To Get More Views On Youtube

yt2 6 Ways To Get More Views On Youtube

While views go a long way when determining how in-demand your channel is, subscribers are also a significant ranking factor. Similar to views, subscribers show Youtube that people are interested in your content. Not only that, but your subscribers can get notified every time you post a new video, leading to more views and a higher organic ranking.

What’s more, once you reach 1000 subscribers, you can apply for ads, which could be a nice side income.

  1. Create Content Around Trending Topics

Do you remember fidget spinners? A few years ago, these additive toys took the e-commerce world by surprise. They grew rapidly and became a must-have for people who lead stressful lives. If you notice a trend starting to form, it’s a great time to start creating content around that topic.

A great example right now is Covid. Everybody is trying to research the most up-to-date information regarding Covid related rules. You could create content related to Covid that helps people during these difficult times.

Alternatively, if you’re stuck for ideas, you can see what’s trending by heading over to Google Trends and typing in your desired topic.

  1. Design An Eye-Catching Thumbnail

Your thumbnail is the first thing people see before clicking your video. So if you can make it as engaging as possible, you’ll notice a significant increase in views.

To ensure you’re creating eye-catching thumbnails, here are some guidelines to follow:

  • Does it demonstrate the topic of the video?
  • Does it show some personality?
  • Does it ‘pop’?
  • Does it include words describing the content?

Once you’ve thought of a badass thumbnail, it’s time to start the design process.

You can do this using Canva. Canva is a free software designed for people who find Photoshop a little overwhelming. They have a beginner-friendly user interface that makes creating engaging content easy. What’s more, if you upgrade to the premium version, you’ll have access to thousands of stock images.


Whether you’re completely new or have an existing business and want to include Youtube videos into your marketing strategy, now’s the best time to get started. There is no denying that video content is at an all-time high these days; it’s especially prevalent since the pandemic.

In recent years, we’ve seen a sharp rise in the use (and success) of YouTubers who post instructional content where subscribers can learn anything from creating their food recipes to fixing household appliances. Armed with this information, you shouldn’t have any issues getting yourself in front of this hungry audience.

We hope this article has helped you understand what it takes to get more views on Youtube. Good luck!

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