Sitting at the top of all Facebook pages is the cover photo. Like your profile photo, your FB cover photo can say a lot about you. If you want to show off your interest or passion in outer space, consider uploading space FB covers.

How to Pick the Best Space FB Covers

Picking a Facebook cover photo isn’t as simple as going to Google and then typing in “galaxy photos” or “space photos.” Well, it can start as simply as that. But you shouldn’t head right over to using any old photo you find as your FB cover.

Check the Size and Quality of the Photo

The first thing you should check is the size of the cover photo. The ideal dimensions for a cover photo on a desktop are a width of 851 pixels and a height of 315 pixels. For mobile, the dimensions are 640 pixels by 350 pixels.

If your photo has a width or length that is shorter than what we mentioned above, it will stretch the image to fit the cover area. This can make the photo blurry and longer/wider than necessary. It’ll distort the beauty of the space image that you picked.

That brings us to the next thing you should consider when picking a cover photo. Look for a space photo with high quality, too. For a more thorough guide on Facebook cover photos, read this Onlypult article.

Where to Great and Mesmerizing Space Photos

Are you ready to begin your search for the perfect space photo for your FB cover?

The good news is that there are a lot of great sources where you can find high-quality photos. A great place to start is NASA’s website. NASA shares the space photos that its telescopes and satellites take. They share their photos in high-resolution images, too.

There are thousands of high-resolution space photos, videos, and audio of space missions on the NASA archives. This means you’ve got a wide spectrum of photos and videos to pick from. Consider visiting websites that feature space photos, like ESA Hubble. It has a list of the top or most popular images from websites like NASA.

Why a Good Space FB Cover Matters

First impressions matter and that applies to your Facebook covers, as well. Whether it’s for a personal or business page, finding the right cover image can sway your follower count. A well-picked photo for a personal page shows your visitors your interest in outer space. You can also use it to give clues about the nature of your work.

For business pages, a good image reveals a sense of professionalism. For example, your company sells lenses made especially for looking at celestial bodies. A high-quality cover photo conveys that customers may get the same experience from using your products.

Let’s say you manage a hobby page instead of a business page. Hobby pages allow people who share the same interest to get together and talk about those interests. It can be a hobby page for anything with which you can link a space cover, like hobby pages that focus on:

  • Aliens
  • Astrophysics, astronomy, or space science
  • Outer space-related news and breakthroughs
  • Eldritch horror
  • Sci-fi movies and media
  • Space movie/series fan pages
  • Space-themed games
  • Existentialism philosophy
  • Star-gazing pages or events
  • Outer space aesthetic
  • And others

Remember that it’s not enough to pick just any photo for your Facebook cover. The photo you choose should match the visual theme of the page that you’re using it for. Consistency is especially important in business or branding, as well as fan pages. Also, fans of the movies, shows, or other media will appreciate the use of high-quality images.

Also, the type of space image that you use should match the page itself. A cover photo for a Star Trek series fan page will differ from that of a page for sharing space-related news. Also, more people think that NASA should focus on monitoring the earth’s climate system. If this is the case, you may as well pick a photo of the earth from space.

Tips When Picking FB Covers

Facebook has over 2.85 billion active users every month, so be careful with the cover photo you choose. As you use Facebook, you may find a variety of hobbyists who take images of space with their own equipment. As much as possible, avoid using photos taken by other people and using them as your cover photo. Doing this may be a violation of the cover photo guidelines made by Facebook.

When a visitor checks out your page, they will see your FB cover photo first. Thus, it’s important that your FB cover photo follows your FB page’s general design or aesthetic. Since you can customize only a few things on your Facebook page, make sure you make the most out of your cover photo.

Pick a cover photo that matches the look of the profile photo. If you want to use a photo that doesn’t match the rest of your Facebook page, consider editing it. Use programs like Photoshop, GIMP, or Paint.

With that said, you now know how to find great space FB covers. The next time you feel like changing your FB cover image, you know where to find high-quality space photos.

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