In this rapidly changing world driven by technology, being well-acquainted with SEO is important. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Basically, it involves a process of upgrading your site to make it more visible when people explore services and products related to your businesses on various search engines. More the visibility of your websites, the higher will be its potential to gain the attention and interest of prospective customers.

SEO is a vital component of digital marketing because trillions of searches are carried out yearly on the Internet, many of which are business associated. However, there has been a significant improvement in the algorithms to ensure that the user’s interests are best served.

There are various SEO agencies in India that assist businesses to improve their website’s visibility on the Internet. Owing to the increasing importance of SEO, about 93% of online searches are initiated with a search engine.

But many businesses are unable to garner the attention they expect because they fall prey to some of the most common SEO mistakes. To help you avoid that, I have enlisted 7 mistakes below:

  1. Not establishing clear SEO goals

Many business owners carry out SEO operations without having a well-established goal. They assume that employing SEO techniques will improve visibility and consequently boost their revenue.

But this isn’t how things work. For getting adequate results, you need to be clear about whether you want a surge in your sales, more leads, or more traffic on your websites. Some websites are more visible but they lack the appropriate methods to satisfy the needs of the customers. Thus, this leads to confusion and chaos in the minds of the readers.

  1. Looking past the mobile traffic

If your website is not easily accessible on mobile phones, you might unknowingly be incurring big losses. Presently, a significant share of traffic comes from mobile phones. This is the reason why Google has started supporting mobile-friendly websites more than the ones that are not.

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To ensure easy access on mobiles, you need to integrate your website design to small screens and also ensure that it loads within 3 seconds.

  1. Purchasing backlinks

Although backlinks are an essential factor, buying them just for improving your website’s position might cost you a penalty from Google.

People purchasing backlinks from flagged sites fail to understand that Google doesn’t support this. Today, you are required to earn these links on the power of your own resources to increase quality traffic.

  1. Overlooking your ‘Google My Business’ listing

This error can cause you significant losses both in terms of traffic and revenue. The growing importance of “near me” searches presents you with an opportunity to provide all the necessary information pertaining to your location.

  1. Not conducting periodic website audits

Audits help review your website’s performance from the client’s perspective as well as from the search engines. These reviews help identify the shortcomings of your site and how to improve upon them.

Further, an audit can also give you real-time insight into your website’s SEO, loading speed, content of the site, and a lot more.

  1. Providing important information through images rather than the page

Designing images with illustrations and texts is a good idea but many search algorithms look for text and fail to trace the texts placed on images. Thus, you need to also ensure right content placement for improving your website’s visibility.

  1. Not keeping up with the SEO trends

The SEO world keeps making important changes to it. One of the most common mistakes that business owners make is not keeping themselves updated with these changes and continuing to adhere to the same age-old marketing strategies.

With the upcoming trends such as voice search taking over the digital markets, it’s of vital importance to make sure that your business is also generating enough voice content.

Over to you…

To extract the best results from SEO, make sure to avoid the 7 mistakes mentioned above. Keep track of your organization’s present position, watch out for these errors, keep improving and you are sure to achieve the desired success. Remember, SEO is a marathon, not a stint!

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