Have you finally decided to set up a new website?

It is likely that if you’re reading this article, you already believe that WordPress is the best solution for you.

If so, you are right!

WordPress is one of the most powerful website builder tools. It empowers almost 33% of the website you see on the internet. So, we are not surprised that you have decided to create your website with WordPress.

However, you are sure where to begin. That is the reason why you are here.

Well, you can relax now, you are at the right place!

In this guide, we will cover:

  • New To WordPress: Where To Start.
  • Make A WordPress Website In Just 60 Minutes!
  • Things To Consider When Building Your Website On WordPress.
  • Downside Of A WordPress Website Design.
  • Design Your Website Today!

So, let’s begin!

New To WordPress: Where To Start

WordPress is an open platform to create websites. Initially, it was launched as a simple blog platform to effectively help bloggers create their own websites.

However, as the industry’s demand grew, it developed into a more feature-rich Content Management System (CMS).

The WordPress software is written in PHP language. All the website content like settings, blogs, posts, pages are stored in the database created by MySQL.

Does this sound too technical?

Well, you don’t have to worry about these things as the hosting service provider takes care of everything. You only need to drag and drop a few features to develop a website design you like.

This is where the beauty of WordPress lies!

However, just creating a WordPress website will ensure the success of your blogging platform. You must incorporate your web design with SEO techniques.

How? To know the answer, click https://www.digitechwebdesignaustin.com/austin-seo-company/.

Make A WordPress Website In Just 60 Minutes!

As we have already said, WordPress comes with a preinstalled design setting. You simply need to drag and drop the features onto your website to complete the design.

That’s how simple it is to create a website using WordPress. This versatility of WordPress allows users to create a complete website in just 60 minutes.

Follow the steps to create yours!

Step 1: Register & Purchase Domain

The first step in your journey to create a WordPress website is to register yourself and purchase a domain name.

There are many domain providers on the internet to get yourself a domain. The domain comes in different types; pick one that suits your needs. Once you have selected a domain, purchase it.

Step 2: Choose A Hosting Platform

The next step of the process of creating a WordPress Website is to find a suitable hosting provider.

A good web hosting service is what makes your website accessible to users and visitors. A web hosting platform allows you to have some space on the internet to set up your website and showcase your products and services.

Step 3: Install WordPress To Your System

Now that web hosting is in place, the next thing is to design your website. For you to do that, you must first install WordPress.

To install WordPress, you can directly go to its official website and download the whole setup in your system. Once the download is complete, you can set up WordPress for your domain and web hosting.

Step 4: Select & Install A WordPress Theme

You have now built an infrastructure. Next, you need to customize your website according to your needs.

The first step towards customization is to install a theme. A WordPress theme changes the design of your website and makes it look more appealing.

Step 5: Customize The Website

Customization of WordPress website is too simple. You don’t need complex coding knowledge to customize your website.

With the help of different templates, you get access to different layouts and design setups. You can even drag and drop a few features you want to be on the website.

Step 6: Update WordPress Settings

Once you have made all the front-end changes on your website, let’s look at some of the inside changes that you make for better results.

While you are on WordPress, there are a few settings you need to update:

  • General settings.
  • Permalinks.
  • Reading.
  • Writing.
  • Privacy.

Go through the settings and change the things you would want.

Step 7: Install Plugins

The reason why WordPress is everyone’s favorite is because of the plugins. WordPress does not come with a complete setup of features. To fill this gap in the functionality, it offers plugins.

It is estimated that WordPress has almost 55000 plugins to choose from the WordPress library.

Install the plugins you like to work with to make your website more complete and feature-rich.

Downside Of A WordPress Website Design

It is important to know that not all WordPress websites are created equally, and hence, they all do not perform well on the search engines.

Websites can experience technical difficulties and may need help from professionals to solve the problems.

Here we are going to share with you a few downsides of having a WordPress website.

  • Need A Lot Of Plugins: The success of WordPress websites is in their plugins. Without its plugin, it is like a body with arms and legs.
  • Frequent Theme & Plugin Updates: Although plugins are a great way to increase the functionality of your WordPress website, frequent updates can be annoying.
  • Slow Page Speed: The importance Of SEO In Web Design cannot be neglected. One of the major aspects that makes your website SEO-friendly is your website’s loading speed. With so many Plugins to work with, your website can get slow.
  • Website Vulnerability: Like all the websites on the internet, your website is always exposed to the danger of the internet. Due to the popularity of WordPress, it has been the main target of hackers and scammers.

Design Your Website Today!

Getting started with WordPress is simple!

It is an open-source platform that allows users to create a user-friendly website. What’s more, it is one of the most cost-effective solutions out there in the market, with a plethora of possibilities at your fingertips.

With the enhanced functionality of plugins, coupled with themes to use, it’s one of the most popular platforms to create websites. It is clear why almost 33% of the websites you see on the internet are powered by WordPress.

Was this article helpful in any way to create your website? If so, do share your experience with us!

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