Cold outreach boasts the highest returns on investment compared to other marketing channels. But to launch a successful email campaign, you need to build an effective marketing team. From this article, you’ll learn which roles it should include and why outsourcing format can save you costs.

About Email Marketing

Email marketing aims to generate leads and attract potential customers to your website or physical office. For example, e-commerce businesses motivate readers to make a purchase right from the message they open. But incentivizing users to open an email is the main challenge for marketers. They need to create a catchy subject line and make a clear value proposition to incite interest in the potential buyer.

So, crafting the engaging copy, managing the email campaign, and delivering it to inboxes require the orchestrated work of the whole team. But employing several marketing professionals can be pretty expensive, especially for new businesses. However, there’s a more beneficial solution to this problem –- outsourcing. And let’s see why.

How Outsourcing Email Marketing Service Benefits Your Business

o2-1 Top 9 Specialists For Outsourced Email Marketing You Should Know About

o2-1 Top 9 Specialists For Outsourced Email Marketing You Should Know About

An outsourced email marketing team won’t differ from an in-house department in terms of fulfilling tasks and communication. However, hiring dedicated experts through a reliable outsourcing provider has several advantages:

  • You’ll save on payrolls. Outsourcing providers often hire experienced marketers in countries with a lower cost of living and, therefore, lower salaries.
  • You won’t pay for rentals. The outsourcing model assumes that your team locates at the provider’s premises. And this cost is much lower than your office rent.
  • You won’t need to administer your team. Outsourcing companies take on all the organizational tasks related to your team, letting you better focus on business-related issues.

So, outsourcing a dedicated team of marketers can be quite a cost-effective option. And now, let’s check how many people you may need to hire.

Top 9 Email Marketing Team Experts

o3-1 Top 9 Specialists For Outsourced Email Marketing You Should Know About

o3-1 Top 9 Specialists For Outsourced Email Marketing You Should Know About

You probably won’t take on board each email marketing specialist from this list. Still, being aware of the top 9 positions can help you choose the critical ones.

  • An email copywriter crafts the texts of your email sequences and newsletters as per the content manager’s instructions.
  • A content marketing manager is responsible for the content in emails, social media, blogs, and other channels.
  • An email operations manager chooses the tech stack and aligns the marketing and sales efforts within the company.
  • An account manager embraces marketing and sales activities focused on one client or a segment of potential or existing buyers.
  • A customer success manager works on growing customers’ satisfaction, loyalty, and retention by helping them achieve their goals with the product.
  • A campaign manager works out the strategy, makes sure that all team members follow it, and assesses the performance of outreach campaigns.
  • A deliverability specialist ensures that every email passes through spam filters and lands in your recipients’ inboxes.
  • A lead researcher collects emails of relevant contacts and qualifies them for certain types of outreach messages.
  • An email designer is responsible for representing visuals in email campaigns and keeping them in line with the brand guide.

Except for top-notch professionals, the success of their marketing efforts depends on the product they promote and, thus, on the RnD team. And as far as the RnD lab works on product innovation, marketers focus on how it can solve customers’ problems. So, once your company needs a research and development division, you can turn to RnD service providers.

o4-1 Top 9 Specialists For Outsourced Email Marketing You Should Know About

o4-1 Top 9 Specialists For Outsourced Email Marketing You Should Know About

Summing Up

If you want to equip your business with a professional email marketing team, you must know its key positions. They include email campaign managers, strategists, content creators, designers, etc. And to optimize costs for your email marketers, you can consider the outsourcing model. It will help you save on payrolls, rentals, and administration.

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