Today, link building is one of the most effective ways to increase your search engine ranking. But what is link building? How do we do it? Are there any nuances we should know about before we start? 

Once upon a time, when we didn’t know Google, and search engines like Yahoo dominated the playing field, your page ranking was solely based on the content. Then in one fell swoop, Google changed it all with its PageRank Algorithm! 

Link building, put simply is building one-way hyperlinks to your page, aiming to increase your visibility on search engines. Think about it this way, the more you hear about a product or service, the more curious you get. When the person who mentions that product is someone you trust, it’s easier to get interested. Google’s PageRank Algorithm does something similar. As your page gets mentioned more and more, Google starts to trust your content more, and your domain authority and SERP results increase.

So how do we do this? Should I take the phone and start calling website owners, and bloggers? Email them? No matter what your industry is, here are a few basics you need to know about link building;

  • There isn’t a place for low-quality link building techniques in a long-term, successful organic link building strategy. 
  • While there are technical aspects to link building, it’s mainly about marketing. Outreach is a primary element of building high quality links.
  • According to Google, links are essential. Your page rank is directly related to the pages linking to you. The more high quality sites linking to you, the higher your credibility 
  • Site authority is as important as the links themselves. Sometimes, it’s better to have 5 links from high authority sites than 50 from low quality pages, or one link from 10 different sites instead of 40 from the same site. 

It’s almost impossible to rank on Google with the content alone. You need quality backlinks on top of quality content to rank. While it might look like a manageable job at first glance, you might need to look into working with a great link building company to build a strong link profile. We scoured the internet to look for the best link building companies, that help their clients increase their domain authority, and SERP rankings using different methodologies. is one of the best-known global white-hat link building agencies. They create case-by-case strategies, keeping in mind industry, and competitors, to build a successful link building strategy. 

Their process starts by analyzing the competitors, keywords, existing links, and content, to understand the current status. Once that’s done, they work on a custom link building strategy to help them with prospecting, outreach, and relationship development. 

If you’re looking for a team of professionals, who show results to work with you, would be one of our first picks. 

Page One Power is another strong link building company. They start their process from the viewpoint each site has unique needs to build a successful link building strategy. They develop their campaigns based on their research and KPIs to meet the specific needs of their clients and acquire the best links possible. 

They create content that high authority sites would want to link to, in their clients’ niche, and use their extensive research to determine what would create the best impact and build their strategy on that. 

After you reach out to them, they will set up a 15-minute discovery call to understand your pain points and where you are regarding SEO, set up a proposal, and assign your project manager who will be working with you. 

uSERP is a full service digital PR, SEO, and link building company, focusing on high quality link building on their strategy. They believe in quality over quantity when it comes to backlinks, focusing on +60 DR backlinks for their clients. Using different modalities on link building, they use white-hat, outreach and content-driven processes. They believe links aren’t built, they are earned through creating unique, relevant content. 

They offer services to start-ups, solopreneurs, and enterprise companies, working with some of the big guns like, Robinhood, ActiveCampaign, Hotjar, and Freshworks.

Upper Ranks is a link building agency that covers everything from manual outreach to broken link building. They’re specializing in delivering quality leads at scale. They have a team of experts, focusing on helping their clients increase their SERP ratings. 

Rhino Rank is a link building company registered in the UK, providing guest posts and curated links for their clients. They have a two-step process, where they analyze and identify the pages based on your niche, and then reach out to the website owners to secure either link placement or guest posts for their clients. 

They’re serving 200+ agencies globally, including Forbes, and The Huffington Post. Their services start from $35

FatJoe is another great link building company that impresses us with its results. Not only do they have the usual white-hat outreach services, they also have a white label feature, where you can also sell their services under your name. 

As we mentioned, having great content isn’t effective if other bloggers or websites don’t know it exists. FatJoe is a great ally in blogger outreach. Their experts identify blogs relevant to your niche and reach out directly to evaluate suitable opportunities, create content and report their efforts. 

Their services start from $45 for acquiring links from websites with DA’s between 10 and 50. 

Siege Media is a content marketing agency, focusing on SEO. They say they’re generating links at the scale that Google loves. They crate and rank content to drive quality links, business value, and brand recognition. Knowing one-off traffic spikes to your website won’t have a lasting impact, their philosophy is building assets that will generate links consistently. A link generation engine that will only need you to feed new content over time. 

They’re working with dot com giants like Trip Advisor, Airbnb, and Zillow, however, we couldn’t find much information regarding their pricing. 

Sure Oak is a Search Engine Optimization company, that offers stellar link building services. They help their clients with custom link building, digital PR, and EDU link building.

What caught our eye when looking into Seige Media is their EDU link building feature. They create scholarship links to acquire backlinks from reputable, high DA universities. Getting even one backlink from a reputable university website would increase the authority of your website in the eyes of Google. 

From the Future, is another digital marketing agency that excels in link building. They help their clients with a number of services to speed up lead generation, growth, and customer acquisition. 

They test out different link types depending on your campaign to get the best results, reporting their progress monthly, 

HigherVisibilty is another marketing agency that offers link building services to their clients. They use white-hat link building strategies to increase the visibility of their clients and increase their authority by acquiring high quality links from high DA websites.

Their team uses digital PR, outreach services, and unique content development to increase their client’s domain authority in the eyes of Google. They report their progress and results monthly, detailing the links they’ve generated, and how the campaign is going.


The times of buying low-quality bulk links from marketplaces are long gone. Now is the time for high authority, relevant links. It might be hard to understand with all the constant changes but by now we all know Google’s Page Rank Algorithm puts more value on quality over quantity when it comes to backlinks.

If you’re looking to increase your SERP rankings, building backlinks is an inescapable part of your strategy. It needs to be done, and it needs to be done right. It might look easy at first glance, but building links take a lot of time and effort. From prospecting to outreach, to content creation it is a long process. That’s why we believe it’s best to leave it to experts. Working with a link building company will save you time and energy to work on other parts of your strategy. 

Link building companies work with SEO, outreach and content experts to create a unique link building strategy, choose the best websites to contact and build relationships with, and implement and report the results of their services to you. We hope this list helps you choose the best link building company for your needs. 

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