Are you looking for ways to digitize your menu board? If you’re like most restaurants, your menu board is crammed with text and images that are difficult to read. Not only is this design headache, but it’s also a major turn-off for potential customers. To increase sales, you must ensure that your menu board is easy on the eyes. This blog post will discuss tips for digitizing your menu board and making it more visually appealing. Let’s get started.

Include Video or Image

When designing your digital menu board, include an image or video relevant to your brand. This will help customers remember your restaurant and what you have to offer. For example, if you’re a pizzeria, you could include a video of your pizza being made from start to finish. Most digital menu boards have a video or image at the top of their homepage to make a strong first impression. Ensure that it is done in high resolution and of the right size, so it doesn’t appear pixelated or blurry.

When including a video or image, some factors you need to consider are the relevance of the video to your brand, resolution, and file size. You also need to focus on the aspect ratio. The standard aspect ratio is 16:09, which is the ratio for most HD televisions. However, you can use other ratios such as 21:09 or 32:18. The important thing is to ensure that your video or image fills the entire screen without cropping.

Use Contrasting Colors

When picking colors for your digital menu board, it’s important to create contrast. This will make the text and images on your screen easier to read. For example, if you’re using a white background, you could use black or dark gray text. If you want to use a colored background, make sure the text is in a light color, such as white or off-white. You can also use different fonts and font sizes to create contrast or make a mood board that’s visually appealing.

Some factors you need to consider when choosing colors are the background color, text color, and font size. It’s also important to ensure that the colors you choose complement each other and don’t clash. The best way is to create a color palette before designing your menu board. This will help you stay on track and ensure that all the colors you use work well together.

Make it Easy to Read

Your digital menu board should be easy to read, even from a distance. Use clear fonts and large text sizes. The background color should contrast with the text color to make it easier to read. For example, if your background is light, use dark text, and vice versa. You can also use different font sizes for different sections on your menu board. For example, you could use a larger font size for the section headers and smaller font size for the text beneath them.

Ensure your clients can read the menu at a distance by using clear fonts and large text sizes. Another way to make the menu easily readable is by contrasting the background and text colors. Using different font sizes for different sections is also a great way to maintain readability while still being creative with your design.

Take Advantage of Free Digital Content Platforms

There are many free digital content platforms that you can use to create and design your menu board. Canva is a great option for creating high-quality visuals without spending much money. With Canva, you can access millions of royalty-free images, videos, and fonts to use in your design. Another platform you could use is Adobe Spark, which is similar to Canva but also offers a range of templates and tools to help you create a unique menu board.

You can also use Google slides to create your menu board. Google slides is free presentation software that you can use to create digital menus. It’s easy to use and has a wide range of features, such as the ability to add images, videos, and animations. Ensure that your menu board is designed and easy to navigate so that your customers can quickly and easily find what they’re looking for.

Embrace Clutter-Free Designs

The best digital menu boards are those that are uncluttered and easy to read. When designing your menu board, only include the most important information. Too much text or too many images will make your menu board appear cluttered and difficult to read. Stick to one or two fonts and use simple graphics and icons to illustrate your points.

Also, ensure that there is enough space between the different elements on your menu board. This will make it easier for the eye to scan and find the information they’re looking for. Use whitespace to break up text sections and create a hierarchy of information. Lastly, it is important to proofread your menu board before publishing it. This will ensure that there are no typos or errors.

Use Large Fonts

d2-1 Digitize Your Menu Board With These Designing Tips

d2-1 Digitize Your Menu Board With These Designing Tips

Not all clients can see from a distance, so using large fonts on your digital menu board is important. A good rule of thumb is to use fonts that are at least 16pts. You can also increase the line height to make the text more readable. Another tip is to use all caps for your headlines and section headers. This will make them easier to read. Just be careful not to use all caps for too long, as it can be difficult to read.

Besides the large fonts, you shouldn’t apply much decoration to the text. The decoration could be a simple line under the headlines or between sections. Too much decoration will make the text harder to read. For instance, using calligraphy fonts or adding shadows to the text can make reading more difficult.

Digital menu boards are a great way to promote your products and services. By following these tips, you can ensure that your menu board is easy to read and navigate. You can start by using videos or images to add interest to your design. Also, take advantage of free digital content platforms such as Canva or Adobe Spark. Lastly, remember to use large fonts and embrace clutter-free designs. By following these tips, you can create an effective digital menu board that will help boost your business.

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