

Animating HTML Links with CSS Transition


This article was originally posted at and was kindly shared by Christina Truong. Check out more of her work at  The CSS transition property does what it sounds like; it creates transitions! But more specifically, it controls the animation speed…

How To Choose The Best Font For Your Custom Shirt


With various fonts available, choosing which ones would look perfect for your custom shirt can be a little tricky, even for experienced graphic designers. You have to balance out practicality and aesthetics. There’s no perfect formula for selecting the best…

My own Free tools website


Search This Blog Search This Blog “).attr(“id”,s+”-sticky-wrapper”).addClass(r.wrapperClassName);n.wrapAll(u);if({n.parent().css({width:n.outerWidth(),marginLeft:”auto”,marginRight:”auto”})}if(n.css(“float”)==”right”){n.css({“float”:”none”}).parent().css({“float”:”right”})}var a=n.parent();a.css(“height”,n.outerHeight());i.push({topSpacing:r.topSpacing,bottomSpacing:r.bottomSpacing,stickyElement:n,currentTop:null,stickyWrapper:a,className:r.className,getWidthFrom:r.getWidthFrom,responsiveWidth:r.responsiveWidth})})},update:o,unstick:function(t){return this.each(function(){var t=e(this);var n=-1;for(var r=0;r

Metaphors We Web By


Maggie Appleton gets into what is perhaps the foremost metaphor the web is founded on: paper. Paper documents were the original metaphor for the web. […] The page you’re reading this on still mimics paper. We still call it a page or an…

The Relevance of TypeScript in 2022


It’s 2022. And the current relevance of TypeScript is undisputed. TypeScript has dominated the front-end developer experience by many, many accounts. By now you likely already know that TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, building on JavaScript by adding syntax…