

9 Things To Expect From An IT Support Provider


The advances in technology over the last several years have altered the way companies operate. Nowadays, almost every aspect of a company is influenced by the internet and digital innovation. Therefore, it’s crucial for companies to have IT support to…

Biden’s plan to make stuff cheaper


President Biden issued a sweeping executive order on Friday, making the case to Americans that companies from multiple industries have become too big and too powerful, and federal intervention is needed to bring competition back to the marketplace in order…

:focus-visible in WebKit


And again this is a new report about the work around :focus-visible in WebKit, you can check the previous ones at: As you might already know this work is part of the Open Prioriziatation campaign by Igalia that has been…

SVG Favicons in Action


Ever heard of favicons made with SVG? If you are a regular reader of CSS-Tricks, you probably have. But does your website actually use one? The task is more non-trivial than you might think. As we will see in this…

Beginner JavaScript Notes


Hey! Welcome to my Beginner JavaScript Notes + Reference. These notes are a free resource, based on my Beginner JavaScript Video course . They can be used as a stand alone guide, along with the videos or a quick reference…