Amazon is a household name today. Twenty-five years on, and the biggest e-commerce marketing platform of the world shows no sign of slowing down. New strategies and products, innovative marketing concepts, and services that extend to a wide spectrum of the market, this is the platform that all eCommerce sellers want to be present at. But, getting customers attracted in a marketplace where 2.5 million sellers are wooing them every minute, is no joke. The online seller who is garnering maximum customer attention and converting them into sales is certainly doing something right to maintain his lead.
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It is an aggressive cut-throat competitive world in the Amazon marketplace.
- 2.5 million active sellers on the platform. Only about 25,000 sellers’ sales worth is $1million or more.
- 50% of items sold on Amazon come from small and medium-sized businesses.
- In April 2019, the platform had about 119,928,851 total products featured on its platform.
Marketing tips for Amazon sellers to get maximum customer attraction
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Staying alive, sustaining and growing big on Amazon may not be easy but certainly not impossible. The 25,000 top sellers are doing something that not every other seller is doing and hence, getting to those envious sales figures. Since Amazon is credited with helping the online sellers reach an extremely motivated group of buyers at neck-breaking speed and cost-effectively, it is important to understand how to take advantage of this huge marketplace and grow your business.
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Some marketing tips for the online sellers that can lead them to a promising future:
Focus on the Product Title
Amazon has a clear-cut best marketing practices outlined for products. Even if the outline may look less customer-oriented and not aligned with some of the commonly practiced SEO strategies, sellers must follow the guidelines to optimize product titles.
For example, a video game seller on Amazon needs to follow the formula – Brand+ Model Number+ Product Type+ Platform for his product title. Along with this, Amazon also offers space for about 150-200 characters in the title. This can be used optimally to insert relevant keywords so that the customer can conceptualize the product the moment he sees the title. However, it is also essential to not stuff the space up.
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Focus on the Product Description
Presenting concise information is appreciated by Amazon and even customers. Most sellers who wish to mention more information and yet do it convincingly should do it in the bulleted form. Amazon’s best practices also mention that the unique features of the product should be presented first. Rates and discounts, promotional offers should also be part of the bulleted presentation.
Focus on the Product Image
Best practices from Amazon says that the image needs to be presented in an uncluttered and neat manner. The rule says that the product image should have a white background. That the image needs to be impressive is a fact that all sellers are aware of, but they also need to ensure that the main image of their product should adhere and be compliant with the rules of the eCommerce giant. Secondary images can be added to make the entire product page more attractive and striking.
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Include HTML Markups in the Product Description
Certain basic HTML can be incorporated in the product presentation to make it all look more effective. So, font beautification like italics and bold; including quotes, etc. can be done for improving the aesthetic appeal.
Focus on customer reviews
Ratings should be a part and parcel of the product page. Average star ratings attract more customers than below par. Then there is the Most Popular Review area on the page where customer reviews show in detail. And finally, there is the Current Review section that features recent reviews. Sellers need to pay attention to customer reviews to attract new customers.
Final Word
Finally, getting customer attraction on the Amazon marketplace needs lots of dedicated hard work and focused plan. The best way is to get acquainted with the best practices of the platform, making them the base and bring in creativity where-ever possible. While implementation, try and tweak one element at a time and test it for results; fine-tune it, if required and then move on to the next.
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