Retaining Customer Loyalty Through Amazon

The decades-old practice of buying essential goods from bricks and mortar stores in the vicinity has now been stoned in the pages of the history of ancient trade practices. Amazon brings all the aspirational brands across the world at your fingertips. You can browse through the wide spectrum of options in the category of Electronics, Apparel, Home furnishing, Kitchen staples, and whatnot! The brands that do not even exist physically in your town could also be delivered at your doorstep if you place an order online using the Amazon mobile app. Amazon is believed to have thrown open the world of opportunities to the local business owners or small scale manufacturers who have always remained confined within the boundary of their geographical limits. Amazon has given the courage and confidence to stretch themselves beyond the horizon of limitless possibilities. If you have a product to sell, Amazon can build the market for you to add momentum to your business.    

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Retaining Customer Loyalty Through Amazon

Amazon gives you immunity against the authoritarian local business stakeholders who are known for indulging in shoddy business practices

We have moved far from the local retail store driven market economy where the local distributor and retailer used to decide the destiny of a business. If someone is fortunate enough to have managed to obtain some space in the shelf of the local retail store chain at the expense of elbowing others out of the display zone, then only his business could see the light of the day or else the entire venture will be strangulated to the most unexpected death in the womb of its creator. There could have been so many passionate entrepreneurs in the last decade who might have dropped the idea of venturing into a start-up business triggered by the anxiety of not being able to effectively partner with local business stakeholders as they operate in an autocratic manner leaving hardly any space for any new entrant to make a debut in the market. But now, the whole world is awake to the dawn of the liberal market economy with the role of local distributors and retailers having been pushed to the verge of extinction. Amazon as the largest and most widely used e-commerce platform across the globe has been constantly breaking the barriers of provincial confinement in order to build a market that is truly global in both body and spirit where everyone will be granted equal opportunity.

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Amazon perpetuates a sustainable trade ecosystem by creating a level playing field for everyone

If you get your product right and favorably designed to cater to the latent needs of the customer which otherwise remains unobserved or unattended to, you will run the same chance of getting it sold in the online platform of Amazon as much as any other popular brand having a global presence. Amazon neither provides any undue favor to anyone big or immensely popular nor would it endorse any discrimination against someone who is pretty small in size and volume of business and still far from leaving a mark. They believe in a culture where everyone is dealt with an equal proportion of opportunities and hence, creates an inclusive business environment that is conducive for holistic growth and prosperity of its every single channel partner.

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Unique features of Amazon that gives you an edge over the offline business framework

Amazon offers a gamut of unique features that can seamlessly keep you ahead of time and eventually guides you throughout all the different phases of business while mentoring your venture to attain customer loyalty.

  1. A 360-degree product display mechanism, showcasing intricate details of every single aspect of the product through an interactive high definition interface.
  2. Product reviews and user testimonials elaborately furnished to help the customer conduct a comparative analysis among different brands before purchase.
  3. The entire cycle of product search, thorough investigation into brand worth followed by the monetary transaction for product acquisition happen online within the ambit of Amazon marketplace. Amazon offers a single-window platform offering a solution to every concern of customers that could dampen the excitement of shopping.
  4. Amazon moves on AI-enabled applications that ensure a world-class shopping experience for all.
  5. It also offers competitive pricing which is often being made the score higher on the scale of value for money with the innovative idea of cashback, referral discount and so many other forms of discounts.

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The art of customer acquisition serves as the backbone of any business whereas a new leash of investment is assumed to be the lifeblood that keeps the business alive by breathing in vitality into every crucial organ of the business. Amazon helps you with expanding your reach and reaching out to a new customer base as much as Indifi supports a start-up find prospective investor who could bet big on the prospect of an entrepreneurial idea and help it with systematic funding over the period of time through its journey from the days of infancy onwards the phase of being mature. 

Apply Loans For Online Sellers

With no collateral, minimum documentation, and availability of several top lenders, Indifi makes the whole process of acquiring a loan simple and quick. With a single online application form, you can apply for a loan from multiple lenders in the least possible time. As the loan is customized as per the needs of online sellers, rest assured that it would perfectly suit the dynamic needs of your business.

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