You must have heard the saying ‘the first impression is the last’ quite a few times in your life. People don’t just say it for the sake of saying it; it holds some truth. 

All it takes is just a few seconds for your target audience to decide whether to buy products from your website or not. 

Here the need and importance of color psychology come into the picture in order to attract the attention of your potential audience and compel them to buy your products. 

What Is Color Psychology?

Color psychology is basically a method of attracting attention with the help of beautiful colors and its combinations. 

Choosing the right color scheme is important for your website. In marketing, color psychology plays a vital role in attracting the customers, helping them form a perception about your offerings, and positively influence their buying decision. 

I am pretty sure that you must have seen malls and brand outlets displaying the sale message on the red-colored banner. 

But have you wondered why? It is merely because red is considered as the most vibrant color that incorporates the power to create excitement as well as a sense of urgency and builds curiosity. 

Coca-Cola is a major brand that uses red as the primary color in its logo.

Every color has a different part to play. It acts as an additional contributing element in forming the perception about the product in the minds of the buyers or target audience. 

Without taking much of your time, let me just give you a brief about the top eight colors along with the industries that prefer to communicate their message using these. 

1. Red 

The color red helps in creating a sense of urgency as well as considered the most emotional color that induces the gush of emotions in humans. It replicates the meaning of life, boldness, and excitement. 

Red is Popular For – The color is widely used by industries like food and beverages, transportation, agriculture, and technology. 

Red Is Not Recommended For – Red color is not at all recommended to market your offerings if you have a hospital, or in fact, any healthcare unit because it represents a negative and questionable image. Also, experts say, not to use the color red for marketing household items. 

Brands That Used The Color Red In Their Logos – Virgin mobiles, McDonald’s, Coca-cola, Kelloggs, KFC, Colgate, Nike, and Red Bull. 

2. Blue 

The color blue is one of the most preferred and adored colors because even the color blinds can see things in blue. Blue is one of the most popularly used colors on the web and also for branding. Several banks and financial institutes use this color to represent security and safety. It represents productivity, trust, and tranquillity. 

Blue is Popular For – It is primarily used by industries like healthcare, finance, energy, airplanes, technology, and agriculture in their logos. 

Blue Is Not Recommended For – It is not recommended to be used by automobile, clothing, and food industries. 

Brands That Used The Color Blue In Their Logos – PayPal, OralB, Skype, LinkedIn, IBM, Facebook, Ford, Pepsi, Visa Cards, and Yes Bank. 

3. Green

The color green symbolizes peace, growth, harmony, and nature. It is widely used by brands that work toward helping others or improving their lives. 

Green is Popular For – The companies that belong to the industry that helps in improving the quality of life by easing up the complex processes use green color for branding. These industries include energy, food, finance, technology, and household. 

Green Is Not Recommended For – It is not recommended to use by industries like healthcare, aviation, automobile, and healthcare. 

Brands That Used The Color Green In Their Logos – Brands like Whole Foods, Animal Planets, Subway, Spotify, and The Body Shop use green colors for their brand logos. 

4. Orange

Orange color demonstrates ambitions, confidence, and enthusiasm. The businesses widely use it for the call to action buttons like selling now, register now, buy today, get a free quote, etc. It is important to note that the orange color is the only color to be recognized by both CSS and HTML 4.01. 

Orange is Popular For – Orange color is quite famous for the healthcare industries as well as the IT sector.

Orange Is Not Recommended For – Industries like aviation, automobile finance, energy, and clothing usually do not prefer to market their brand in the color orange. 

Brands That Used The Color Orange In Their Logos – Fanta, Nickelodeon, Harley-Davidson, and Hooters.

5. Black

The color black replicates authority, superiority, elegance, and power. It is widely preferred in order to market luxurious products or the products that are used to make a style statement. 

Black is Popular For – As already mentioned above, it is used to market luxurious and prestigious products. Hence the luxury automotive brands, clothing brands, and technological brands use the color black to advertise their products. 

Black Is Not Recommended For – it is not preferred by agricultural, household, food & beverages, finance, and healthcare industries to offer their products. 

Brands That Used The Color Black In Their Logos – Blackberry, Chanel, Jaguar, Mont BLANC, and Louis Vitton. 

6. White or Silver 

Silver or white color replicates nothing but perfection. Brands who want to convey their message about precision with a relaxed attitude prefer the color white to market or display their messages or brand communications. 

White is Popular For – it is widely used for healthcare businesses, designing business cards, promoting charity, and clothing brands. 

White Is Not Recommended For – it is not advisable to use either white or grey in agricultural, aviation, energy, technological, finance, and food & beverage industry. 

Brands That Used The Color White In Their Logos – Apple, Asos, Honda, Ralph Lauren, Uber, and Adidas. 

7. Purple 

The color purple is widely used by companies dealing in cosmetics, food, or IT products. It represents wealth, royalty, status, and power. It may work well if you are trading in products that target females of any age. 

Purple is Popular For – The companies or brands dealing in beauty health, finance, or technology uses the color purple for marketing their brand and offerings.

Purple Is Not Recommended For – Using purple might raise a lot of questions in the aviation, household, clothing, automobile, energy, or agricultural sector. 

Brands That Used The Color Purple In Their Logos – Cadbury, Yahoo, craigslist, Taco Bell, Crown Royal, and many more. 

8. Yellow

The color yellow represents joy, happiness, positivity, intellect, and energy. The yellow color is often associated with food and is popularly used by brands that work with the sole motive of bringing joy and smite to their customers. 

Yellow Is Popular For – industries dealing in either household, food, or energy. 

Yellow Is Not Recommended For – It may not have the most significant impact on the industry like agriculture, healthcare, aviation, clothing, automobile, and finance. 

Brands That Used The Color Yellow In Their Logos – DHL, Pennzoil, Shell, National Geographic, Lays, Nikon, Snapchat, Ikea, Ferrari, and Burger King. 

Bonus: Best Tips To Decide Colors Schemes For Your Website

  • Do not overlook the fact that the colors have a tendency to affect emotions. It is highly advisable to understand the color schemes of your website along with their impact on the probable customer base. This proves beneficial in order to maximize the effect of color psychology on your ultimate conversions. 
  • Men and women are different, so are their preferences and impact of color psychology. It is essential for you to note that if you have a brand that focuses mainly on women, then you must use feminine colors like pink and red in order to maximize the chances of final sales. While on the other hand if you are dealing with a brand that focuses on the male section of the society, colors like blue and black are perceived to be ideal. The overall crux is that don’t just ignore the gender’s bifurcation. 
  • Before selecting a color or a combination of it for your website, it is crucial to understand the demographics of your target audience. It would be beneficial if you are already aware of the color choices and preferences of your target audience. 
  • If you are planning to add a color combination theme, then you must thoroughly understand your brand and its purpose first. It is essential because not all colors suit every brand, industry, or company. You must focus on selecting a color combination that helps you to convey the brand message effortlessly. 
  • Don’t just put any color anywhere on your website. You must follow a uniformity because it helps your website look visually aesthetic and appealing to your target audience. Also, make sure to highlight your CTAs in dark or bold colors so that they stand out from the rest of the content and can speak up for themselves. 


Color psychology is a lot beyond that just setting your creative mind free. In fact, it is more about attracting the attention of your target audience by setting up a color theme that they prefer, and that helps them form a positive perception of the brand. The power of color psychology is leveraged by the web designers and the UI/UX designers strategically, in order to improve the conversion rate and to increase the ultimate revenue.

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