Paytm mobile should be your online selling marketplace!
According to Bill Gates, “if your business is not on the internet, then your business will be out of business.”
Paytm in the year 2014, analyzed mobile commerce statistics and grabbed the opportunity of connecting sellers and buyers online through its Mobile Shopping Marketplace. Since then, Paytm is discovering ways to help sellers engage better with their customers and improvising the visibility of their products for better sales numbers by applying various sales promotion methodologies.
Here are some pointers to think over as to how sales promotion can benefit your business on Paytm:
How To Benefit From Sales Promotion On PayTm
Table of Contents
Make Your Business Stand Out
The competition level in any business is robust. Have you ever wondered how to get ahead in this rat race? Well, just being available online will not bring any added advantage to your business. Paytm marketplace gives your business a distinctive image in the crowded marketplace. And it emerges well with product sales promotions. How so? Well, here is the answer!
Also Read: Using PayTM Dashboard For Better Data Organization
Following are the characteristics of the promotion tab on the seller panel on Paytm
- Inspect forthcoming promotions: Review the calendar regarding the upcoming and running events and promotions on the seller panel
- Make your choice: A seller has the advantage of choosing an event he wants to register if the terms and conditions are worth going forward
- Create an inventory list: Once you have chosen a particular promotional event and registered for the same, create an inventory list in advance.
Also Read: Best Ways To Negotiate Terms With PayTM
Tapping into Wider Audience Spectrum:
For startups, it is essential to reach out to potential customers online. Paytm helps in providing the advantage of reaching the maximum number of customers. This not only increases the footfall online but also gives a chance to explore a wider spectrum of tapping into the horizon of the faraway customer horizon.
Regardless of being a startup, any business needs fresh insights to go beyond its natural limit. For established businesses, Paytm sales promotion provides the leverage of increasing product visibility and boosting revenue. Paytm is not a temporary alliance for businesses. Here is how it helps in circulating the promotional event news.
To bridge a communication channel between the sellers and the customers regarding sales promotion Paytm uses the following strategies:
- Just a simple SMS works: Around 500 SMSs carrying the details of the promotional offer along with the store link will be shared with the targeted audience.
- The power of notifications: Around 2000 push notifications, sharing the offer details will be sent via the Paytm app to specific types of customers.
Also Read: Operational Cost-Cutting By Being On PayTm
Audience Selection:
Sales promotion whether online or offline needs to be communicated to the right audience, otherwise, it is a big waste of both; money and energy. Paytm influences a diverse organic audience to generate maximum benefit from sales promotion activity. However, it brings the talent of segregating the audience as per the seller’s choice.
Here are some ways in which the audience can be divided:
Neighbouring Operative Customers:
figuring out neighbouring active Paytm customers and promoting products to them.
Attract Your Brand Customers:
reaching out to brand customers who have not been active from the past 15 days, which means, they have not shopped with the brand.
Reaching Existing Customers:
customers who have made recurring transactions in the past 30 days with your brand.
Fresh Customers:
Reaching out to users who love to shop with similar stores but do not visit yours.
Also Read: Top Marketing Hacks To Attract And Retain Customers On PayTM
- Live Paytm ChatBot:
- Generating Trust:
Shopping online does not bridge the gap of trust between the seller and the ultimate consumer because of the lack of human interaction. Paytm with its breathtaking idea of live messenger eliminates this disadvantage as well by connecting the customer directly to the actual seller.
Also Read: Scaling Up The Outreach Through PayTM
The Final Takeaway:
Sales promotion whether online or offline needs financial assistance. However, Indifi enables you with financial aid. It is the known market leader in providing financial assistance to help businesses to flourish easily. The vision of Indifi is to give small businesses a strong financial hand that cannot get their loans approved from other financial institutions. It is the only institute that does not look at the financial banking of a firm alone but also sees the potential and intent behind the business.
Also Read: PayTm Technology – Powering Business Through It