Every person who plans to be a website builder feels intimidated and frustrated. If you are not a techie, questions like; where and how should I start are coming to your mind. For the first months of designing a website, you feel disappointed seeing how horrible your designs are. But don’t feel discouraged. There is always a room for you to improve.

On the other hand, by knowing and targeting the right audience, you can build a website with less to no fuss. There are only two things you need to have; a detailed checklist and a plan that helps you to solve all the possible issues that may come in the future.

Doing all the necessary tasks at the same time won’t benefit you; instead, it will just discourage you because handling the entire tasks of a website builder is not easy. It requires time and effort. Building and designing a website for the first time may overwhelm you, especially if you don’t know how to handle things. If this happens, a high chance that all the time and efforts you put into this part will be gone.

If you are planning to start a website, there are several things you need to keep in mind. In this post, we are going to provide you important factors that need to be taken into consideration when designing and building a site. So, without any more ado, let’s get into it!

Create Your Domain Name

When we say domain name, it serves as your website address. Internet users can connect, visit, and find your online home using your domain name. When building a website, the first thing you need to do is to create a domain name.

In general, creating a domain name costs around 20 US Dollars. The cost will vary depending on the domain’s top-level you prefer. There are different platforms that offer domain name registration online. These include NameCheap, GoDaddy, and Domain.com.

Finding the right domain is not easy. You may find yourself making numerous attempts before you get the perfect one. But with the help of technology and the internet, you can generate ideas easily. All you need to do is to search and search until you get an idea that describes what your website is all about.

Pick Your Website Builder

The second step you need to do when building a website is to choose a website builder software. In this step, you have two options to choose from; either you code it yourself or hire a web builder who will do it for you. For us, we will go to the latter because it is the easiest thing to do. After all, a lot of web builder software are available in the market today, including WordPress, Squarespace, and Wix.

When picking a website builder, you need to consider the possible features and skill level you want to be present on your site. If you are a beginner in this field, we recommend you to opt for Webpage Scientist and other similar website builders.

Choose Your Website Hosting

When we say website host, it refers to the online area where you will store all the contents on your website. It is a server that can be accessed by all internet users. It enables your online visitors to get into your website in no time. Hosting your website can be done by working with your chosen website builder or domain name software. One of the good things about working with website builders is that it enables you to host your website after designing it.

It is important to keep in mind that your hosting costs will increase depending on the number of internet users who are visiting your website. The cost increase happens since you need to take your basic hosting service to a more advanced one that is capable of handling the increased traffic on your website. In connection to that, ensure that you pay close attention to your website’s loading speed. Do not wait for your visitors to complain about it if you don’t want to lose them.

Choose Your Website Template

For a first-time website builder, designing and building a customized website is quite daunting and expensive at the same time. To avoid expensive costs, we recommend you choose a website template from your website builder software. The good thing about it is that it is upgradable. This means that you can improve it when your site is being visited by a lot of users daily to gather some information. Through this, you can keep them updated, and they will visit your site more often.

All the mentioned website builders above can provide you with professionally-crafted website templates that will surely suit your website.

It is important to note that there are free website templates, while others require just a small amount of payment. You need to consider your budget when choosing a website template so you can invest your money in a worthy template available out there. ON the other hand, it would also be great if you will start with a customized template until your website gained a regular traffic.

Create Your Logo Design

Your website and business need a brand identity. To create one, the first step you need to do is to create your logo design. This could be one of the most expensive steps for building your website. But, even though it is expensive, it is worth to invest your money. On the other hand, if your budget is limited, you may consider using a paid or free logo generator available online. If you don’t have the money to hire a professional graphic designer, it would be great if you will choose the paid options.

Lastly, Create Your Content

If you know how SEO (Search Engine Optimization) works, you know that websites that have amazing content have the only place on the top of the search results. For you to increase the ranking of your website, it is important to create unique and interesting content. You can see a lot of reasons you will need a Search Engine Optimization that can make your business improve its marketing strategy. If you want to make your website stand out among the others, you may try the best fonts for websites, 11 checklists for building a new site.

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