More than 60% of every website with an identified Control Management System uses WordPress as their choice of CMS.

Let us identify those significant reasons why WordPress is a viable platform for new businesses and top 500 businesses.

You have to consider your closest competitors and the market size. Drupal, Joomla, and Shopify are among the top three in the market before having a 60% understanding of content management systems.

These three companies have less than 10% market share combined, which is a wide difference in market size. Why then does WordPress have high popularity?  Established in 2003, as a combined effort between Mike Little and Mullenweg, WordPress was born. Mullenweg’s Friend Christine Selleck named the brand.

WordPress has since grown in strength and has provided businesses with the necessary tools to grow. Here are the reasons why WordPress enjoys control over the internet content management system.

WordPress offers you support when needed.

No issue on WordPress is peculiar to you. If you have a problem with WordPress, chances are someone else has dealt with the same issue. It is a community of developers and designers where upgrades, guides, and solutions are always shared online. The WordPress platform, as an open-source platform, constantly has updated features added regularly. You can have solutions to problems using any of the multiple WordPress solution avenues.

The online WordPress community is seen in blogs, forums, Youtube videos, and other media agents provided by experts in WordPress services.

Enhanced Functions and Automated Plugins

The verse number of WordPress plugins is the primary reason why WordPress enjoys patronage from most internet users. The plugins meet your diverse upgrade needs and enhance the functionality of your websites and blogs. The WordPress plugins library contains high-end tools such as e-commerce, data capture, statistics, etc. that help improve your website’s performance. With the automated update plugin, your website can stay updated.

WordPress has an efficient content management system.

There is no type of website that has not been built by WordPress. Be it e-commerce, forums, portfolios, rating sites, business websites, galleries, membership, chatrooms, e-learning websites, etc., WordPress has built it. It is also very efficient for business change or new service introduction. You can use the platforms option to add and drop different features.

It is highly effective for search engine optimization.

WordPress leads the way in the aspect of search engine optimization. It offers an easy but robust strategy for SEO management suitable for both experts and beginners. You can find ways to tailor and tweak SEO content in Google Analytics and WordPress books. The use of WordPress, along with other factors, can increase your website traffic.

It offers you a variety of themes.

WordPress designers constantly design beautiful, creative, and functional themes. They serve as a basis for building your website. You can find trending designs or classic designs that suit your website template. You can select from a range of free and premium themes that can be customized to your desired brand, taste, or needs. They come in different fonts and a variety of colors that adds professionalism to your brand.

You can have several users contributing to your blog.

It may be overwhelming to write regular blog content that engages and educates your audience. Making use of guest writers is a great way to add good content to your blog. You can add writers as guests on WordPress using the available tools. You can regulate the content published on your website or blog by activating the publish for review button.

It offers advanced security from hackers.

WordPress ensures that your website is protected from hackers. It ensures that your brand’s reputation and revenue is not affected. Hackers may steal passwords, user information, or credit details. Hackers may install software inside your website. Malware may be sent to your visitors or be asked to pay the ransom by the same hackers attacking your website.

You have access to flexible hosting options.

You can host your personalized website using WordPress and choose not to be constrained by the domain. You can choose any of the available hosting plans or change your host provider. Your hosting plan is dependent on your website’s traffic. WordPress offers different innovative options to host your website, unlike some primary web host that offers you tailored hosting options.

WP Engine (Managed WordPress Hosting)

WPEngine is described as a managed hosting provider designed for those who created their blogs or website with WordPress. WPEngine covers the management of plugins, website performance while you focus on content creation. It offers a viable solution to performance intelligence, which displays data in real-time for tracking your website performance.


In 2020, WordPress enjoyed over 60% of the CMS market. Over 455 million websites have been reported to use WordPress, giving WordPress a 30% market share over other players. WordPress boasts of a prolific and active community for providing support for new users.

About 20% of self-hosting websites globally use WordPress. Renowned brands like Disney, Playstation blog, MTV News, Variety, Sonny Music, Beyonce, Star Wars blog, New Yorker, etc., make use of WordPress. You are definitely in the best hands by using WordPress.


Jamie FitzHenry is the founder of Grizzly, a web design Bristol agency focussing on helping businesses enhance their online presence.

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