Instagram has become the most popular social media platform. It is used by over a billion users, according to Statistics. This shows just how important of a platform it is for businesses. 

If you want to implement a successful social media marketing strategy, you cannot afford to overlook Instagram.

Although Facebook and Twitter might be amazing platforms, you have to leverage Instagram to increase brand awareness. To make the most of the social media giant, you need to take the right steps. This post shares 5 simple ways to expand your reach on Instagram.  

Take your brand awareness game to the next level by following the tips mentioned below. Each tip will help you boost engagement and brand authority.

1. Find Your Personality and Ensure Consistency

One of the best ways to increase brand awareness of Instagram is by finding your personality and sticking to it. It pays to let the brand personality shine. 

When you first create an Instagram account, you might be tempted to post about anything that you find interesting. Although this helps you expand your reach, it also isolates your brand as nobody would get to know what your brand actually is. 

To ensure real success online, you cannot post photos aimlessly. You have to think things through. Therefore, it is important that you first determine the brand personality. It will help you get more followers on Instagram and increase brand awareness.  

Develop a personality that your target audience resonates with. It should prompt followers to share and engage with your posts. Every time you decide to post something, you should determine if it reflects the brand personality. 

For instance, the images you post tell a story. The same goes for the filters, colors, and effects you use. They can help you create a distinctive atmosphere. Once you have found the brand personality, you can infuse it in all of your posts. It will allow consistency.

The fact is that your followers will associate your brand with certain characteristics when you embed those characteristics into your posts. 

2. Use the Right Hashtags

Hashtags offer a great way to boost exposure online. They help generate engagement for your content. However, it does not mean that you are allowed to abuse hashtags. Too many hashtags can decrease the impact you have. 

Create a hashtag for your brand and include unique hashtags for your Instagram campaigns. Digital marketing professionals will tell you just how effective the right use of hashtags can be. Increase the number of users that see your content by including hashtags.

The rules of the hashtag should always be kept in mind. You have to follow the STRICT (Specific, Targeted, Relevant, Innovative, Concise, and Thoughtful) mnemonic. 

Never throw hashtags into the mix without determining their effectiveness. You can use Instagram analytics tools to monitor the effect your hashtags have and adjust accordingly. 

3. Cross-Promote Posts

A common mistake that most companies make is thinking that they should restrict their activities to their own Instagram account. 

To get a head start, you need to cross-promote on other social media platforms. It is especially important if you already have a strong user-base on other social media profiles.

If you have an established presence on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, you can encourage users on those platforms to check out your Instagram account. It will allow you to grab their attention. 

Besides, they are already following you on other social media platforms because they value your brand.

Having a presence on other platforms provides your new profile with much-needed social proof. The truth is that people tend to follow companies on social media that already have a fan base. 

When people realize that your brand appeals to other people, they will be more likely to take an interest in your brand. 

Share your Instagram posts on other platforms to ensure maximum reach. It will help boost brand awareness in no time. Now, you should not do this for every post. However, it is an effective way to draw attention to your Instagram account. 

Since Facebook owns Instagram, cross-promoting posts can help you boost brand awareness. You will be able to cash in on your existing online presence. 

4. Work with Influencers

Instagram is a powerful platform. It is community-based. If you want more people to talk about your brand and increase awareness, you need to consider influencer marketing. It has become the hottest trend in the digital world.

More and more brands are working and collaborating with influencers than ever before. Whether you work in the fashion industry or the health industry, there is bound to an influencer that you can work with to grow your presence. 

When we think about Instagram influencers, some of the biggest names like Kendall Jenner, Bella Hadid, Gigi Hadid, Lilly Singh, Pew Die Pie, and Chiara Feragni come to mind. It is important that you find influencers in your industry that you can work with. 

Improve your chances of targeting the right customers by working with influencers in your industry. They can help you create the right content and engage with your target audience. 

5. Be Engaging

Speaking of engagement, you need to create content that is engaging. Put in the effort to interact with your followers to get them to take an interest in your brand. Social media platforms such as Instagram require you to continuously interact with your users. 

By engaging with your followers, you put a face behind your brand. It is always a good idea to show a sneak peek behind the scenes to users. It will encourage them to show their loyalty. Some great ideas for engaging with customers are mentioned below.

  • Ask questions.
  • Join in on the conversation. 
  • Host contests. 
  • Incentivize user engagement.
  • Like user posts.
  • Share user posts. 

Increase Your Brand Awareness on Instagram

Once you have read this post, you will know the best ways to boost brand awareness on Instagram. From finding your brand personality to engaging with your followers, following the tips will help enhance your brand reach. 

Photo by Kate Torline on Unsplash

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