Sustainability is an important factor for any business. It’s expected that companies will take on their responsibility to distribute and manufacture goods with the environment in mind. Not just to appear like a sustainable business but to commit to being a positive influence on the environment. This calls for a combination of self-awareness, transparency and accountability moving forward. Let’s hear from some business leaders about ways you can begin to implement sustainable practices into your business model.

We as businesses should feel the most responsible for sustainability because we are operating at scale. That’s why it’s so important that sustainability isn’t an afterthought, but something that is integral to a company’s mission. Your team should feel invested in the cause so that sustainability is top of mind at every level of the company. If sustainability is important to you (and it should be), you should also take steps to work with companies that share those same values.

Marc Atiyeh, CEO Pawp

Steamline and digitize as much as possible. Paper documents take up space, and just make future waste. If you can digitize all memos and encourage virtual communication, you’ll make a big difference on your impact. We need to cut down the amount of waste we use as much as possible so if you’re still printing documents and wasting tons of paper, consider ways that you can curb that.

Jim Beard, COO Box Genie

As fate would have it, keeping certain positions remote is actually a big way to be sustainable in 2021. Remote offices will reduce their carbon footprint enormously by cutting down on communicating, vehicle emissions and unnecessary office expenses. Some positions may require someone in-person, but consider remote positions whenever possible.

Lucas Nudel, Founder & CEO Pride Palace

 Encourage employees to engage in sustainable practices while at work. Instead of water fountains, consider having a water cooler or refillable fountain. You could provide your employees with company water bottles and reusable food containers to decrease waste.

Ryan Fink, CEO Streem

Be conscious of the materials you are using to package and ship your products. There are many more eco-friendly options available now, so there are few excuses for businesses to use unrecyclable materials for their packaging and shipping. Research your options and make an eco-friendly choice for your packages.

Aidan Cole, CEO Nailboo

If you are in the office, use natural products for cleaning. Make sure that you are using products that are not harmful to the environment or to the people in your office. Strong cleaning products with lots of chemicals can be extremely harmful especially in closed spaces and make a negative impact on the environment when disposed of.

James Sun, Founder Beauty Tap

Companies will be expected now to not only disclose the ways that they help the environment, but also the ways that they are harmful. Corporate trends tend to be that they hide their negative impacts while touting the positive ones. We all need to understand the full scope of what needs to be done, so it’s important to be transparent as a business.

Andy Kleitsch, CEO Atomo Coffee

Align yourself with vendors and partners who share eco friendly and sustainable values. Who you surround yourself with shows others whether you are truly committed sustainability or just wanting to appear like you do. Being sustainable means taking that on in every aspect of your business and if your partners are engaging in harmful practices, that will reflect on you.

Mike Pasley, Founder Allegiant Goods Co.

Quote: Invest in companies that actively practice sustainability. Investments into eco-friendly companies are a great additional way to support sustainability. Although it doesn’t replace practical practices such as recycling and waste management, it fortifies your company’s commitment to sustainability.

Lori Price, Co-Founder Pixie Lane

Cloud based technology exists in a form we never thought possible. Explore your options in cloud based storage for data to replace wasteful paper documents and files. Cloud based solutions also have implications for the speed at which your company can operate. Information can be shared much easier now which has huge implications for all industries.

Katie Kiernan, Co-Founder Nue Life

Invest in electric vehicles and other forms of green transportation. This is one of the biggest ways we all individually contribute to the climate crisis and it’s important for businesses to invest in more sustainable forms of transportation. Electric cars are soon to be standard so get involved as early as you can.

John Wu, Co-Founder Gryphon

Renewable energy sources are becoming more and more advanced. Solar panels are much more widely accessible and functional than they were many years ago. Consider implementing renewable energy in small ways into your office or home. This can make a huge impact and save you a lot of money on electricity bills.

Michael Jankie Of Natural Patch

Invest in organizations dedicated to the protection of natural resources and lands. Our biggest treasure is our natural lands and we need to protect them and their habitats at all costs. Align your company with other organizations that support the preservation of our natural resources.

James Ville, Chief Product Officer GunSkins

Consumers are more likely to buy a product from a company that practices sustainability and give back. Make sure you are transparent about how you give back to the environment on your website. Consumers need to be able to clearly understand what it is that you do and how your company commits to it.

Dylan Trussell, CMO Culprit Underwear

Practice sustainability in your personal life. If you have a fragile understanding of eco-friendly practices, it is unlikely that you will be able to provide this for you business. Explore ways in your home that you can reduce waste, reduce electricity consumption, reduce water consumption and start making your own impact.

Jeff Meeks, VP of Sales and Marketing Energy Fit

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