Flyers are a great form of marketing material that even with all the digital technology we have today, are still being used within businesses.

The benefits of flyers are that they’re relatively inexpensive, so can cater especially to smaller businesses that might not have the funds for big marketing drives. However, making sure that these flyers meet their objectives is still important so as to get a good return on your investment.

Here are some useful tips for creating awesome designs for your business.

Consider the layout of your content and keep it brief

Depending on the design and size of the flyer, you want to consider the content you’re including and the layout. This is necessary because flyers are meant to be easily digestible. Overcomplicating it when it comes to the layout or filling the space with too much text could put your readers off altogether.

Leaflet marketing is still effective even today. According to The Data and Marketing Association (DTA), they found addressed mail is opened by 57% of people with only 26% throwing it away on the day it arrives. With that being said, how you display your content is crucial.

Create catchy headlines and eye-drawing visuals

Catchy headlines and visuals that draw in the reader are going to help keep them engaged for longer. Think about the colors used and what imagery you’ll incorporate into the leaflet.

Try to position the catchy headline at the top of the page so that it’s the first thing they’ll see when glancing at the leaflet. This will help hook them right from the off.

Outsource design and distribution services

For design and distribution, it can be helpful to outsource both these services for efficiency and to save money.

There are lots of design tools online that you can utilize when it comes to designing your leaflets and that have pre-made templates available too. Tools like Canva and Adobe are super effective in achieving professional leaflet designs.

fl2 Professional Flyers: Awesome designs for your business

fl2 Professional Flyers: Awesome designs for your business

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For distribution, flyers printing services are useful to outsource instead of having to do it all yourself. These services simply require you to upload your design, pick a size and finish. They usually offer quick turnarounds too for last-minute leafleting.

Make sure to proof-read your content

Remember to proofread your content. Grammar or spelling mistakes are likely to diminish the trust that the reader is trying to create with your brand. Readers may end up dismissing the leaflet altogether and as a result, it’s a loss of funds spent on this marketing campaign.

Always proofread your content before submitting it to the printing services, otherwise you’ll have to pay again for any amendments. It may be worth getting an extra pair of eyes on the content to check for anything you may have missed.

With 48% of consumers responding to leaflet advertisements, the need for flyers is still very much relevant. Use the tips above to create some awesome designs for your business that will help convert leads to customers, boost sales and to build awareness of the brand.



nat Professional Flyers: Awesome designs for your business

nat Professional Flyers: Awesome designs for your business

Author Bio: Natalie Redman (LinkedIn)

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Freelance writer for many clients across multiple industries. Natalie has two years of copywriting experience. Natalie has a wide range of experience copywriting for web pages for businesses across many industries. She’s also an owner of two blog websites and a YouTube content creator.

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