Are you a young career aspirant looking for a lucrative career? If so, you would realize that these are challenging times for all, especially with the COVID-19 outbreak. Few industries have managed to survive the onslaught of the deadly virus.

Yet amidst all the turmoil where we have had prolonged lockdowns globally, the IT industry is what kept everything moving. You would also realize that being an IT specialist can help you land up plenty of career opportunities. But at the same time, you must market yourself well to make the most of the career opportunities available.

The best way to do that is to build an impressive resume for IT Specialist. To grab the top employers’ immediate attention, you need to ensure that your resume is packed with all the specialized IT skills.

Let us see how to go about the process:

Formatting your Resume: The key to your success

The IT field offers plenty of career opportunities to candidates, but there is also intense competition at the same time. To get hired at the top IT positions, your resume must stay at the very top. First and foremost, you need to note that your resume must be clear enough so that your potential recruiters take notice of it. It is here that the resume format holds the key.

Your Key Areas need to be highlighted and stay at the very top

For your resume to stand out, it must be ensured that it is a functional resume and focuses on your skills and relevant experience. Based on the job requirements for which you are applying, you need to ensure that you highlight qualifications being sought and mention them close to the top so that they grab immediate attention.

IT Specialist Summary

You need to have a Resume summary. In short, this is a paragraph dedicated to the objective and, at the same time, highlights your entire resume. Here you must mention your objective skills and certifications.

Make sure your Work History stands out.

You must realize that most IT Companies require IT professionals who have the relevant experience. In line with this, the resume must be written in a way that your work history stands out. In this section, you need to display your work experience, and you must point out your job role and experience along with the project details. All of this must be so written that it proves that you are an expert in the IT field sought by the potential recruiter. Your experience needs to be written according to the work description.

Showcase the Best Skills you possess appropriate for the job

Based on the position you are applying for, employers usually seek core skills and relevant experience. So, make sure that you understand these requirements well. Following this, you need to organize the skill set you possess and ensure that that is written well to match the expectations of the job recruiters.

Going by the current web scenario, it could be something on the lines of the following:

  • Project Management Skills
  • Understanding Networks
  • Knowledge of Programming Languages
  • Ability to handle internet security
  • Digital Marketing
  • Analytics Knowledge

These would, of course, depend on the job you are applying for.

List out your knowledge of your programming languages.

Owing to the rapid development of the IT field, many programming languages have come up. Each of them has its distinct benefits and drawbacks. Employers always seek candidates who know a wide range of such languages—the greater the knowledge, the better your capabilities. In line with this, you should list out all the Programming languages that you know. Some of them could be the following:

  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • PHP Development
  • Angular Development

The more the number of languages you know and list out, the better the chances of getting selected. While mentioning the same, also mention that you highlight your expertise in the field.

Display your IT Certifications

To get notices and enhance your chances of getting selected, it is essential that your qualifications and work experience also display the IT Certifications that you possess. These certifications add credibility to your resume and make it stand out from the competition.

Carefully Check all your Contact Information

Finally, make sure that you have mentioned all your contact details correctly so that once the recruiters are interested and give you an interview call, you can be connected with them well within time.


To conclude, we can say that it is true that the IT field now offers some of the most lucrative job offers. However, at the same time, there is intense competition as well. To make sure that you are noticed while recruitment, it is critical that your resume is professional and stands out. We hope that the points mentioned here will help you with your cause.

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