A successful business takes more than just an excellent product. Its success is driven by sales resulting from good branding and advertising. This is why every successful brick-and-mortar business requires good store signage to set your storefront’s tone, attract attention, create a brand association, and act as an informative tool.

A creative, appealing sign can give your business a competitive edge. Signs can be a core component in your overall marketing strategy. With a business logo, signs can reinforce your brand and direct attention to promotions. Here are the reasons to invest in business signage.

1.    To enhance branding

When potential customers visit your store for the first time, the signs they see should create a lasting impression in their minds. When using signage for branding, it should say who you are, the products or services you offer, what you represent, and more. The message on your sign depends on what you want your potential customers to know about your brand. It should be what you want prospective clients to remember your business for. To professionally present your brand, have your signage made by experienced and skilled professionals like The Printed Image.

2.    For cost-effective marketing

A sign is one of the advertising pieces your business owns. Unlike digital and media advertising methods that are a temporary repeat expense, a sign requires a one-time monetary investment, and it becomes yours forever. Looking at the exposure cost, signs deliver quality results at a lower price than any other form of advertising. Considering that the business market is constantly changing, altering your sign to reflect the new changes isn’t costly, resulting in optimal profitability.

3.    It helps you stand out from competitors

Besides communicating your business quality, unique signage sets your business apart from the competition. If your business rivals don’t have outdoor signage, having one for your company puts you ahead of them. However, if they’ve already mounted their sign, study it to determine what stands out for them and do it the best. Working with an expert sign designer will help you get a customized sign that makes you stand out from the crowd.

4.    For effective communication

Just as in branding, signage is an effective way to communicate your business. Its visual value can immediately hook potential clients with good signage outside your store. With simple effects and sign types, you can easily pass a message to attract or make potential customers want to associate with your brand. This is why, when choosing business signage, you should consider its type and the effects to use on it.

5.    It triggers impulse purchases

Signage not only attracts passers-by’s attention but also pulls customers into your store who may have had no plans of coming by. A custom-made, unique, and attention-grabbing sign with precise details about your offerings can direct people to your store and can inspire them to go and check out what you provide. If they’re impressed by what they see, they can act on impulse and buy.


Signage is an essential marketing strategy that can be used for branding and informing people about your business even before they interact with it. Good signage should express marketing functions like building trust and reputation.

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