A Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is a special recognizable proof number that is allocated by the Registrar of Companies (ROC) to the organizations enlisted in India. The ROC gives the CIN to the organizations while giving their Registration Certificate.

The CIN is a significant number as each organization should specify this remarkable CIN in the structures to be submitted to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), especially in reviews and reports.

Cin Full Form is a Corporate Identification Number. CIN Number is a one-of-a-kind 21-digit alphanumeric number given to every one of the One Person Company, Private Limited Company, Section 8 Company, Limited Company, Producer Company, and Nidhi Company enlisted in India.

The CIN number means is Corporate Identity Number which is utilized to follow every one of the parts of the organization. The Registrar of Companies (ROC) of the states under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) issues the CIN number.

Each Indian state and Union Territory has no less than one ROC aside from the North Eastern States. The ROC is fundamentally liable for the difference in the names of the organizations, moves initiated against the default organizations, change of the organizations from people in general to private as well as the other way around, and so on.

The concerned ROC gives a declaration with a novel CIN code and endorsed name after the development of an organization.

The CIN no. uncovers the character and essential data of the organization. The number likewise helps in tracking down the realness of the business.

Here, we will examine what the CIN number is, its significance, how to get it, and where it is required.

Also Read: GSTIN: what is GSTIN number? – check & verify GSTIN/UIN number online?

Significance of Corporate Identification Number

CIN is utilized for following every one of the perspectives and exercises of an organization from its joining by the ROC and is expected to be furnished on every one of the exchanges with the individual ROC.

The 21 digit CIN has its own importance which is effectively translatable and which helps in observing fundamental data connecting with an organization. It is utilized for observing the essential subtleties of the organizations which are enlisted inside the country under MCA.

CIN is an exceptional number that can be utilized for distinguishing or following organizations for a considerable length of time of data that ROC/MCA holds. The CIN contains the personality of an association and extra data in regards to the enrolled organization under the ROC.

Eg: of a unique CIN issued by ROC – L01631KA2010PTC096843

Separating Corporate Identification Number

The 21-digits CIN addresses and gives data about the organization. The CIN can be separated into six areas. In the above model, the CIN can be separated as follows:

Structure Of Corporate Identification Number

The 21-digits CIN addresses and gives data about the organization. The CIN can be separated into six areas. In the above model, the CIN can be separated as follows:

Section 1: The principal character – L

Section 2: The following five digits – 01631

Section 3: The following two letters – KA

Section 4: The following four digits – 2010

Section 5: The following three characters – PTC

Section 6: The last six digits – 096843

Each segment gives the following data:

Section 1: Consists of the principal character of CIN that uncovers whether an organization is “Recorded” or “Unlisted” on the Indian securities exchange. At the end of the day, the primary person suggests the Stock Market posting status. In the event that an organization is recorded, the CIN would begin with the letter ‘L’ and on the off chance that an organization isn’t recorded it would begin with the letter ‘U’.

Section 2: Consists of the following arrangement of five numeric digits that sorts the financial action of an organization or to which industry the organization has a place with. This characterization depends on the idea of the monetary exercises which would be done by such a foundation. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has designated a number to each class or industry.

Section 3: Consists of the following two letters that signify the Indian state where the organization is enrolled. For example, KA is for Karnataka, MH is for Maharashtra, DL is for Delhi, and so forth. It works along these lines as the vehicle enrollment number.

Section 4: Consists of the following arrangement of four numeric digits that implies the extended time of fuse of an organization.

Section 5: Consists of the accompanying three letters that mean the organization arrangement. These three letters help to recognize whether an organization is a private restricted organization or a public restricted organization. Assuming the CIN number here is FTC, it would imply that such an organization is an auxiliary of any unfamiliar organization or on the other hand assuming it’s GOI, it would infer that such organization is possessed by the Indian Government.

Section 6: Consists of the excess six numeric digits that indicate the enlistment number given by the separate Registrar of Companies (ROC).

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Where Can You Mention Corporate Identification Number?

  • Business letters
  • Receipts
  • Bill heads
  • Invoices
  • Annual Reports
  • Letterheads
  • Notice
  • Annual Reports

Abbreviations in CIN number

The abbreviations used in the Section-5 of the CIN are as follows:

  • FLC: Financial Lease Company as Public Limited
  • FTC: Subsidiary of a Foreign Company as Private Limited Company
  • GAP: General Association Public
  • GAT: General Association Private
  • GOI: Companies owned by the Government of India
  • NPL: Not-for-Profit License Company (Section 8 Company)
  • OPC: One Person Company
  • PLC: Public Limited Company
  • PTC: Private Limited Company
  • SGC: Companies owned by State Government
  • ULL: Public Limited Company with Unlimited Liability
  • ULT: Private Company with Unlimited Liability

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When to Change CIN Number?

The Corporate Identification Number can be changed in the accompanying cases:

  • Change in the posting (Listed or Unlisted) status of the organization
  • Change in area or condition of the organization’s enlisted office
  • Change in area/industry of the organization

How To Track CIN Number?

You can undoubtedly observe organization subtleties by CIN number on the web. To track or check your organization’s enlistment number, visit the Ministry of Corporate Affairs site.

On the site, you can look through CIN number to observe whether the association is an organization or a restricted responsibility organization, and in light of any of the accompanying:

  • Organization enrollment number; or
  • Existing Company’s name or the name of the Limited Liability Partnership; or
  • Idle CIN; or
  • Name of old organization or the name of the Limited Liability Partnership
  • Subsequent to finishing up the necessary subtleties, you want to enter a manual human test code and snap-on search.

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In the event that the previously mentioned necessities aren’t stuck to, there’s a punishment of INR 1,000/day on the defaulting organization and on its, each official is in default, till such default proceeds. Nonetheless, the most extreme punishment for this default is restricted to INR 1,00,000.

FAQ Related To CIN number

How to apply for CIN?
A CIN is an alphanumeric number assigned to the organization on the date of its enrollment by the Registrar of Companies. The organization’s CIN is referenced in its Certificate of Incorporation. Hence, a CIN number is consequently designated to the organization when it is consolidated and endorsed by the Registrar of Companies.

How would I track down an organization’s CIN?
You can find an organization’s CIN from the MCA site by following the underneath cycle:

  • Go to the MCA site.
  • Click on the ‘MCA Services’ tab on the landing page.
  • Click on the ‘Observe CIN’ choice starting from the drop list under the ‘Organization Services’ choice.
  • Select the ‘Search Based on Existing Company/LLP Name’ choice.
  • Type the organization name under the ‘Current Company’ choice, enter the manual human test code and snap on the ‘Search’ button.
  • The organization’s CIN will be shown.

Is CIN allocated to LLP?
No. A CIN is allocated to an enrolled organization, and LLPIN (LLP Identification Number) is dispensed to a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) by the Registrar of Companies. Accordingly, CIN is distributed distinctly to organizations enrolled under the Companies Act, 2013, not LLPs.

Are CIN and GST the equivalent?
No. A CIN is the distinguishing proof number dispensed to enlisted organizations by the Registrar of Companies at the hour of issue of the organization enrollment declaration. Then again, GSTIN is the ID number gave to organizations and organizations enrolled under the GST regulation. Thus, both are unique and have various capacities.

Is CIN compulsory to be referenced on the organization’s solicitations, bills, and receipts?
Indeed. According to segment 12(3)(c) of the Companies Act, an organization should print its name, address of its enrolled office and the CIN in the entirety of its business letters, billheads, letter papers, sees and other authority distributions. Along these lines, an organization should compulsorily make reference to its CIN on its bills, solicitations, receipts and messages shipped off external gatherings.

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