What is Meesho?

Meesho is India’s largest and trusted marketplace for Resellers, It is an e-commerce platform where a reseller can sell products online through WhatsApp and Facebook.

Online selling bought the turning point for any business. It comes with endless advantages starting from a low budget requirement to great flexibility. 

91% of the country’s population is into online shopping today. With the increase in the number of buyers each day, sellers have to increase. The usage of platforms like Myntra and Meesho is the highest today. 

Becoming a Meesho seller is now an aspiration of many. The process is not tough and complex but requires a basic understanding of each step. In a few lines of this blog, you will get a good idea of becoming a successful Meesho seller and why you choose Meesho.

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Why Meesho?

Keeping an extra inflow of money is a blessing at difficult times. A brand like Meesho turns out to be a lucrative option to earn online. Becoming a Meesho Seller from the comfort of your home helps you manage your other activities.

Some of the other reasons why Four Lakh Sellers chooses Meesho:

  • Free: Meesho allows users to build their own business at Meesho for free.
  • Perfect for Anyone: This platform is ideal for any seller. A small or medium-sized brand can join Meesho from Meesho Seller Login.
  • Commission: Meesho charges a NIL commission rate, whereas Amazon charges from 6% to 40%.
  • Constant Guidance: The platform is helpful enough to guide buyers on how to charge and what to supply. This is the ideal platform for a beginner buyer as well.
  • Customer Base: Meesho has more than 10 Crore customers till now. Also, they serve at 27000 pin codes at the lowest delivery cost.

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How to Become a Meesho Seller?

Now that you got the idea of why most buyers go for Meesho, get detailed learning on how you can become one of them.

Prerequisite for Meesho Seller Registration:

  1. GSTIN Number and Details: For becoming a Meesho Seller, you need to have your GSTIN, Bank account details like Account Holder Name, Bank Account Number, and IFSC Code. An active mobile number is also required for all the notifications and alerts.
  1. Catalogs: A complete catalog that represents your products is important. Proper presentation and detailing are very important to give a clear understanding to the buyer about the product.

Step 1: Meesho Application

Download the Meesho app and create your account through Meesho Seller Login. List the products and update the product you want to sell. To enter the supplier panel portal, you need to have an active bank account and your GSTIN. If you don’t have your GSTIN, visit https://www.gst.gov.in/ and get the GSTIN.

Note: A business with an annual turnover of less than 40 Lacs will not require a GSTIN; a PAN Number will work.

Step 2: Meesho Supplier Panel

Meesho has a Meesho seller application or supplier application that connects them with the supplier and buyer. Through the app, you can find the buyers and track their orders on your application. The application supports a variety of tools that include pricing tools and warehouse management system tools.

Step 3: Catalog Update

After setting up the account, you have to update the catalog. Products at Meesho can be updated in two ways:

Bulk Catalog: Follow the steps mentioned below to update your bulk catalog:

  • On the homepage, click on Catalogs upload.
  • Tap on “Add New Catalog in Bulk.” Enter the product category in the search box and pick the category from the drop-down list.
  • You will get a list of the template to download and create. The template, after downloading, will look like an excel sheet.
  • Open the sheet and fill out the form. Enter your company name and from Column D, start entering the product details.
  • After filling out the template, click on upload the file.

Single Catalog: To upload Single Catalog follow the steps mentioned below:

  • On the homepage, click on Catalogs upload.
  • Tap on the option of Add Single Catalog.
  • Enter the product category and choose the product category from the drop-down list.
  • Upload the images of your products.
  • Enter product details carefully. If the products have the same details, you can check the box of copy input data for all products.
  • After filling in the details, click on Submit catalog.

Note: To be a good seller at Meesho, make your catalog nice. Try to upload at least 3-4 single products and 6-7 product lists. It is favourable to give your buyers multiple options.

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Things Meesho Provides to the Seller

There are other things also that a seller at Meesho has to check. The places where proper attention is must:

  • Order Receiving: After publishing your products on Meesho, keep a check on the resellers who shares your products. Keep a check on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media sites.
  • Delivery: Through Meesho, you will get notifications through e-mail. You can keep track of when your product is delivered to the consumer.
  • Payment: Meesho will transfer the payment for the sales into the registered bank account on the 7th day after the delivery of the product.

5 Ways to Become a Better Seller at Meesho

Knowing the steps to becoming a seller is just the initial level. For staying upfront here, constant growth and quality of the product are important. Some of the other ways in which you can become a better seller at Meesho:

  1. Trend: Follow the trend and update the products that are in demand. Updating the off-trend products will not increase your sales.
  2. Enable Reselling: Keep a good margin on your products so that resellers can choose your catalog.
  3. Fast Delivery: Choose the option of Next Day Shipment, as the customer wants the product as soon as possible. Also, through this, you can improve the sales frequency of your products.
  4. Updating: Staying online and updating more and more catalogs will enhance your sale. Customers can easily select if you give more ideas and varieties to them.
  5. Pictures: Always keep the quality of pictures high. Try to snap the picture that brings out more quality of the product. Posting the hazy picture with fewer details will bring out more questions to the buyer, and they will end up in the next buyer’s catalog.

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Each one of us reading this has a common motive- we all want to run our small businesses. Starting a business requires capital, but you can easily start your online selling business through Meesho. You can also apply for Meesho Seller Loan from Indifi.

Through the Meesho Seller portal, take the first step toward starting your own online business.

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