We all know that learning a new software application can be a difficult task, especially when that application is as complex as Adobe Illustrator!

If you are learning by yourself, it can be a hard ride. This is why we have prepared this list of great AI tutorials, which you should read through, especially if you are just starting out with Adobe Illustrator. Enjoy the article and hopefully, learn a lot of new techniques and tricks.

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A great looking abstract design can be created from the simplest form. You can take a look at the creation of geometric shapes and objects to form a dynamic composition in Illustrator.

This tutorial will show you how to create a Western-style primary treatment with Illustrator.

Follow these steps to create a range of body shapes and graphics that are combined into one large collage.

5.Illustrator Tutorial: Surprise Gift

There are times when you need to make a gift box and effects for special occasions. This tutorial gives you an idea of how this can be achieved with brushes and some other techniques.

In this tutorial you will learn how to use the mesh tool to create water drops, the Symbol Sprayer tool-use icon with the help of water droplets and dispersion.

13. Creating trees in Illustrator

14. Figure Shading

15. Learn Illustrator CS3 in 30 Days

This 30-day course is free!

The collection of tutorials and guides that include various hints and tips on all types of tools.

Brushes are an important tool in Illustrator, and come in different styles. This tutorial covers the kinds of brushes, with great examples of how it can be used.

25. Quickly Change Fills and Strokes

Heres an overview of four types of brushes in Illustrator covered with a detailed explanation of how to use each.

These shortcuts aren’t only keyboard alternatives to popular menu items, they will also create new opportunities that otherwise aren’t available.

If learning by doing is more your thing, why not try the tutorial icon RSS?

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