Operational Cost-Cutting by being on Flipkart
Operational Cost-Cutting by being on Flipkart

“Stay Home and Shop Online. You’re too pretty to have to look for a parking spot and then hop in the scorching sun to get the ideal fit.”

‘Win-Win’ Situation for Both Buyers and Sellers

No one can deny the unprecedented growth of E-commerce platforms for all your needs. What you want is just one click away, and you will get it at your doorstep with the option of returning your order. Indians are leveraging this opportunity to the fullest. This is the reason that of late even the stalwarts of the game who used to be skeptical before are not shying away from appearing online now. Rising per-capita income, lucrative discount offers, increasing internet penetration in the country, ease of ordering, variety of options to choose from— are the key growth drivers behind this E-revolution. Apart from the buyers, there are a lot in it for the sellers also, primary of it being the reduction of the operational cost for them by being on Flipkart. 

Also Read: How To Increase Visibility On Amazon?

The Facet of Cost Efficiency:

There’s a whole lot of operational costs that can be saved by selling on Flipkart. Some of these are:

Location Cost:

The cost of buying a brick and mortar property to start the business will be saved if you venture with Flipkart and start selling on their platform. If you were planning to take a store on rent, then the lease rental cost will not be incurred. With this money saved, you can probably invest in property.

Employees’ Cost:

This is the most significant cost of paying salaries to your employees that will be reduced after tying up with Flipkart. The money saved can be used to start a monthly SIP in a mutual fund and earn returns.  

Insurance Cost:

Insurance cost of the store, all the outlets, and the warehouse will be something you can probably put in a bank FD.

Overtime and Supervision Cost:

The extra amount paid to employees for working extra and the amount spent for supervision (CCTV cameras, Security Guard) can now be used to buy a vehicle, probably. 

Electricity and Telephone Bill:

Though they are small miscellaneous costs but form a big chunk of the overall cost structure when combined.

Store Maintenance and Promotions Cost:

If there are no stores of your brand then there will be no maintenance and promotions cost. Rather, the money saved here can be used to promote your brand or product on the Flipkart platform to get more brand visibility.

Also Read: How To Successfully Sell On Flipkart

Additional Benefits:

You get to save these operational expenses by making your presence on Flipkart and above it, there are additional benefits in selling online. You don’t have to bear the marketing cost, it will be done by Flipkart. You don’t need to pay for the packaging and shipping fee, inventory management will be better. You also don’t need to worry about paying the fees for creating a website of your own. The seller online just has to pay a fee to Flipkart for listing his products on its website/app and a commission fee. This is all you need to shell out from your pocket after switching to online mode and you get to save a whole lot of costs mentioned above. 

Also Read: How To Sell Successfully On Amazon?

In addition to that, you have a whole lot of data when you are present online about the products in your portfolio, about competitors’ offerings, about customers’ tastes and preferences, about what they are looking for etc. You can perform analysis on this data and come out with special prices, festive discounts and almost anything that you can contemplate to boost your sales.  

Apply E Commerce Loan India

With no collateral, minimum documentation, and availability of several top lenders, Indifi makes the whole process of acquiring a loan simple and quick. With a single online application form, you can apply for a loan from multiple lenders in the least possible time. As the loan is customized as per the needs of online sellers, rest assured that it would perfectly suit the dynamic needs of your business.

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