Amazon Dashboard Platform, QuickSight, Enables Dynamic Data Management
Amazon Dashboard Platform, QuickSight, Enables Dynamic Data Management

Data is digital gold in the era of information technology. Be it a small retail shop owner or big data centers of technology giants like Facebook, Google or Amazon, each has its own set of information storage facilities. With the multichannel input across the internet, the collection of data becomes an easy task. However, data will be valuable only if it is managed. Data management will help an organization in gaining information, insights & conclusion quite easily. 

As per National Archives & Records Administration in Washington, 93% of the firms who lost their data center for 10 days or more in case of any calamity, filed for bankruptcy within one year of the disaster. Out of those, 50% of businesses filed for bankruptcy immediately that lacked a proper data management facility. The efficient management of data can be a major reason for success or failure of a firm.  

There are a number of Database Management Systems in the market to choose from. However, one of the most sought after is “Amazon QuickSight”. It is a cloud-based smart business tool that delivers insights with an added layer of flexibility. These are some key features of Amazon dashboard platform:

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Key Features of Amazon Dashboard Platform:

Pay for what you use: 

QuickSight offers one of its kinds of pay-per-session model for dashboard readers. In most of the other dashboard platforms, users are charged on a monthly basis. Nonetheless, QuickSight’s readers are billed $0.30 for a 30-minute use and that can be scaled up to $5 per reader for a month for unlimited use. What the feature adds is a freely flowing secure access to interactive dashboards and email reports without the need for complex planning.

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Interactive dashboards with a number of customizations: 

As a fully scalable service, QuickSight presents a dynamic, easy and fast to create dashboards and reports. On top of that, one can securely share these dashboards using web browsers or even mobile phones. QuickSight has a huge library including features like visualizations, charts, and tables that can be contrived at will. Moreover, its scheduling feature allows users to receive direct emails to their inbox.

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Easy analysis and collaboration:

In an organization, the same data can be accessed by a number of the department. QuickSight outsmarts others when it comes to ease of access. It empowers users to have a feel of AI-based business intelligence that helps them in answering their own questions. With a tool like QuickSight at their disposal, one can collaborate data from various sources, create or edit datasets, generate a visual analysis of data and last but not the least invite co-workers to collaborate those insights. 

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Machine Learning insights

Machine Learning (ML) is the basic requirement of a smart data management system. QuickSight, backed by Amazon Web Service (AWS) ML capabilities, can help businesses in gaining deeper insights into any dataset. The state-of-the-art technology can highlight trends and outlines, identify key business drivers and can forecast fact-based probable outcome. 

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Design dynamic dashboards using Amazon SageMaker

QuickSight also supports Amazon SageMaker which is a cloud machine-learning platform. SageMaker integrates and deploys ML features in cloud technology. It also merges ML models on embedded systems and edge-devices. One just needs to connect to any of the QuickSight-supported data sources like S3, Athena, Aurora or any third party sources and rest can be taken care of by the SageMaker. On top of that, users need not write any code for altering the model. 

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Security and Compliance

Data security is a major concern in today’s world. Quicksight offers a layer of security backed by a renowned name like Amazon. One can share dashboards and insights securely to a number of users at the same time. Besides adding mobile availability and built-in redundancy, QuickSight has a number of security features including access control, dynamic directory management, cloud-based auditing, VPC subnets and backup of data.

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Notably, QuickSight has a number of filters and sorting mechanism in the dashboard platform for easy access and viewing of data. It will surely help you in staying ahead of your competitors via data-based forecasting and suggestions. QuickSight is available on mobile as well for iOS and Android devices which enables secure insights on the go.

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