
Well, as you know that Paytm is the first platform in this world where you can bargain on the deals in which you are interested. Paytm is offering many features to people in every aspect such as secured payments, clothes, accessories, recharges and much more. 

But most of the people are not aware of this feature of bargaining on Paytm so here I will talk about the ways of bargaining with Paytm which is called “Best Revolution in Price ever”!

Paytm has come up with a shopping app which has this exciting feature of bargaining to make your deal reasonable. In this feature, you can directly talk to the seller & bargain with him to get a product you want likewise in a local market!

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Today most of the online shopping sites offer discounts but you cannot directly talk to sellers for negotiating the price of a product. In order to make shopping easy for customers Paytm has removed the gap between seller & customer so that both can make a fair deal through this feature of bargaining.

Now, let’s talk about how can you bargain directly from the seller?

  • Firstly, select a product that you want to buy. Now click on the option of bargaining and one to one messaging will start with the seller in order to make a fair deal.
  • Bargain with the seller for your preferred product.
  • When your bargaining will be finished then the seller will give you bargaining code which you can use while purchasing a selected product.
  • Now you can make a payment from your Paytm Cash Wallet through which customers can add cash money from their credit or debit card so that you can buy your selected products quickly.
  • You can also negotiate money on a product by using a promo code/cashback offer which is given to you by Paytm itself and after that, you can bargain it with the seller as well.
  • In case, the seller refuses the request of the customer to bargain the price then the customer can move on to look for the same products but from other sellers. 

So what are you thinking till now? If you haven’t downloaded this new shopping app of Paytm then go to your Play store and download it so you can enjoy the features of this amazing application.

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From where this idea of bargaining feature came & why it has opted in businesses widely?

It’s a very obvious thing that when a person goes to buy any product he/she wants to purchase then no matter what the price of that product will cost, the person will definitely bargain with the seller in order to make the best deal in favour of them. Bargaining has become a tool for businesses as the more customers will bargain through the Paytm shopping app the more money will company gain according to per messages from the side of the seller and customer. 

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Wechat is an application launched by China which started 4 years ago, now it is making a good amount of money more than Whatsapp and in China, people use WeChat for selling and buying the products. In short, they use the WeChat app for making fair deals before purchasing anything. So, from a customer point of view, this is a great idea that Paytm has implemented in India now. In India, 40% of people still exist who do not prefer to purchase any product online because according to those people, online shopping costs them a price which is expensive and there is no discount available on it. So for such people Paytm shopping app is the best way to make any deal they want as it simply connects a customer with a seller so that customers will be satisfied according to their budget. As a result, people in India can enjoy purchasing any products online.

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Bargaining on an online platform sounds very amusing, right? Yes, now you can bargain on the online platform of the Paytm shopping app and make your deals smart just like you do in a local market. In conclusion, this feature will benefit both clients as well as the company. The more clients will bargain on the shopping app of Paytm the more money will Paytm Company will make! It’s time to make a new change in the M-commerce industry. Paytm deals with above 260 traders and the application of Paytm includes almost every category like Men, Women and kids clothes, home furnishings material and much more.  Hence, these are some ways of negotiating terms with PAYTM!

Also Read: Operational Cost-Cutting By Being On PayTm

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