
If you’ve decided to join hands with the internet and started selling online to reach a wider audience, you must be apprehensive as to how you can increase your sales. There are only two ways to make more money, either sell more to existing customers or reach out to new customers/prospects and bring them on board. This article will assist you in the latter approach to boost your topline. Customers’ tastes and preferences are changing at a rapid pace these days and as a seller, you need to adapt commensurately to this changing trend. Here’s how you can do it.

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Best Ways to Organically Reach Customers for E-commerce Sellers

  1. User Interface: The online store (website/app) of yours should be user-friendly and accessible. It should look visually appealing on a laptop, tablet, or mobile. 64% of the millennials shop on their phones. Your app should be supported on Android, IOS, Windows platforms, most of the audience access it through their smartphones. The font should be proper, it should be readable. Remember what Bill Gates once said, if you can’t make it good, at least make it look good. Looks matter at the end of the day.
  2. Good Product Descriptions & Pictures: The products listed should have a detailed description with its features and dos and don’ts. Provide a video of the model with the product along with 5-6 good quality pictures of the model wearing that product from all angles to give a comprehensive picture. Include feedback from customers who have used this product. Customers are often deprived of getting a touch and feel of the product online; the only thing to make them buy the product image and feedback.
  3. Content is the key: Content is still the undisputed king when it comes to marketing. Content should be something that solves the problem that the customer is facing. Your content should solely revolve around your target audience, their interests, and demographics. A right content strategy can work wonders for your brand. 
  4. Social Media Presence: These days everyone browses through Facebook and Instagram at least once a day. Catch their attention on these platforms by ads of your brand and content you’ve designed for your business to compel them to visit your landing page. This social media strategy is an extension of your content strategy. And just to tell you the power of social media, Facebook influenced 53% of online purchases in 2015 which is up from 34% a year ago. And we are entering 2020 now, just imagine these statistics now. 
  5. Landing Page: Attention spans are getting shorter as we are becoming more tech-savvy. Your landing page must instantly communicate the value proposition to the customer as soon as they visit your website. The landing page should be attractive with a focus on Call to Action to compel the visitor to keep searching for more. Design specific landing pages for different types of visitors in your target group.  
  6. Excellent Customer Service: This is important for customer retention and loyalty. Customer Service here includes smooth checkout option, multiple payment options, faster delivery options, free shipping, lucrative discounts and cashbacks, cash on delivery option, separate heads for different categories of products and almost everything that can save the customer’s time and provide them what they are looking for in just a few clicks. 
  7. Personalized Marketing: Email marketing is one tool here at your disposal. Take prospect’s information like their date of birth, anniversary date, etc. through a registration form and in return give them a discount voucher as an incentive for them. Send them personalized emails on their special days and give discount offers or special schemes on these days. Personalized marketing is here to stay and rule, and is necessary to become credible in the eyes of the customer. Send them emails regarding new product launch, asking for their feedback on the shopping experience, pitching them discount offers, etc. However, don’t send unnecessary emails to spam them. 

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These were some of the tricks to drive more traffic to your website or app. However, this is just an exhaustive list and there are other methods as well for this purpose. But, these methods have been tried and tested over the years and were found resilient enough to stand the test of time.  

Also Read: Best Ways To Manage Legal Terms For E-Commerce Sellers

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Also Read: Best Ways For Hiring People For E-commerce Sellers

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