
Are you an e-commerce seller? Is your customer base becoming stagnant? Do you want to extend your business to a large number of shoppers? If yes, you should consider being an independent seller and list your products or services on your one portal besides selling on any e-commerce platform. In the past few years, the e-commerce market has shown unprecedented growth potential, and this is a good time to enter the online market. As per research, the e-commerce sale will scale up to 16% of all sales by the end of 2020. Here are a few tips for how to efficiently to bring your business online for any e-commerce sellers: 

Tips To Bring Your Business Online For e-Commerce Sellers

Have a definite e-commerce strategy

Just like setting a physical shop, you need to have a proper framework for your online business expansion. Moreover, be patient and stick to your business plan. Your online strategy should include a sales funnel, range of products or services you want to list, your unique selling point (USP), your competitors, market strategies, online ad campaigns, and more. 

Also Read: Best Ways To Organically Reach Customers For E-commerce Sellers

Target cross-device platforms

Nowadays, every device is interconnected, be it mobile device, laptop or tablet. While enterprises are focusing more on mobile phones, you must consider delivering seamless performance across multiple devices. Try to optimize your platform or app for multi-device or hybrid browsing. On top of that, always ensure the right customer experience on all the channels, whether it’s digital or your brick-and-mortar shop.

Pick the e-commerce software that suits your needs.

The internet has it all. However, it’s extremely important to pick the website template or options that serve your needs. Few things that you must be aware of are: 

Payment methods

Site optimization

Post sale support

Query resolution of vendor

Credibility of service

Database management

While a number of times, businesses start off with simple templates, it is always good to do some research and have a well-thought-out strategy. Go for a reputed service provider, so that your trouble in handling sales becomes hassle-free and you can focus on marketing.

Also Read: Best Platforms To Market For E-Commerce Sellers

Customer service is the key

All of the successful business owners state that top-notch customer service is the key to running a profitable business. Interestingly, customer service starts from the time your potential buyer sees your ad and follows till the end of their purchase. Moreover, it also includes post-sales services like returns, warranty claims, and repairing. 

Good customer service will force your buyers to return to your portal while considering buying any product or service. E-commerce sites are spending a whole lot of money on strengthening their customer retention programs. However, you can save all those efforts and money by focusing on your customer experience. 

Also Read: Tax Saving – Best Practice For E-Commerce Sellers

Be great at product delivery

In e-commerce shopping, product delivery time plays a pivotal role. Several e-commerce giants are investing in this sector. If you are someone starting out in this field and is willing to breakthrough, delivery is one of the key areas where you should focus. It will help you in increasing the conversion rate and will encourage repeat purchases. 

Product delivery covers factors like the price you charge, the services you offer, the quality of packaging, how it looks like and lastly, how much time it will take to get delivered. 

Also Read: Best Ways To Manage Legal Terms For E-Commerce Sellers

Discounts and offers

For your business to be successful, you need more and more customers and one thing that can lure them to come back or attract new ones is offers and discounts. However, be strategic in these offers. Keep in mind the shopping seasons like around festivals, marriage season, valentine weeks, etc. Try to mix and match products from various categories and club them together and they give discounts. Offer packages or bundled deals to attract shoppers. 

Nonetheless, marketing plays a big role in setting the stage for your brand. Run your online campaigns strategically and try to do good SEO on your website. For any business, analytics can help in finding the true market positioning. Notably, work on creating brand awareness. Shoppers, now-a-day, are spending a lot of time on the internet, especially on social media. So, having a noticeable presence on these platforms can also help your business expand. 

Also Read: Best Ways For Hiring People For E-commerce Sellers

In business, a lot depends on trust-building. Don’t just make a deal with customers, try to be friendly. This attitude should be visible in your online content like the text on your site or videos that are being used in promotions and marketing. After all, it is the trust that can turn your shoppers into loyal customers. And Indifi will help you build this trust.

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