
The Indian restaurant business is growing annually at a rate of about 10%. The industry, including organized and unorganized segments, was valued at about INR 3.7 trillion in 2018 and is expected to touch INR 5.5 trillion by 2022. If you are part of the industry, this is the right time to get going on offering better deals to your customers. Be it any part of the country, the fact that the disposable income of your customers is increasing coupled with rising aspirations of the middle-class Indians who are also focused on wellness and health, you need to have strategic plans in place to target the right customers.

  • The Indian restaurant industry has two parts – the organized and unorganized segment.
  • Fine dining, quick service restaurants, pubs, bars, cafes, clubs and lounges form the organized segment. 
  • The Indian food industry is expected to grow at a CGAR of about 10.4% because of growing per capita income, easy access to credit and debit cards, use of advanced technology, increase in women workforce, increase in urbanization and also a shift in focus towards eating and staying healthy.

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Tips for better offers to attract customers to a restaurant

Smart owners need to have smart and realistic ideas to attract customers to their restaurants. While statistically, the industry looks good and sound, you must be different from your competitors to pull customers inside your space. Here are some effective ways to do it.

Happy hours are a must

Anywhere on the Earth, happy hours catch the eye. It is one of the most effective ways to attract the crowd. Analyse your past data to understand which are your slowest hours and days and then announce the happy hour timings. Also clubbing drinks and appetizers is a great way to get the attention of the millennial crowd.

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Create your niche by showing professionalism

Now, this certainly does not encompass service standards and quality of food because these two aspects need to be top-class and out-of-the-world. Besides these two, strategize to always appear as professionals. How to do it? Align with the special days, create something unique and promote it. For example, Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, etc. Use social media and the internet thoroughly. Even if you are a small local restaurant – use the might and power of social media and search engines by carrying out promotions online. Another popular aspect on the rise these days is hosting classes like a wine tasting session or baking classes or DIY classes. These tactics help catch the attention of customers who are always on the lookout to do something different. Ideas for professional offers also include free Wi-Fi, live music, having a huge-sized screen for telecasting sports events etc.

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Incentivize your customers

First-time discounts, kids till ten years free, complimentary snacks and appetizers, free soup on order of certain value, unlimited snacks at a certain price etc. are all different offers that entice customers. People who love to eat out also love to get the best deal. They would search and scrutinize for hours for the best offers. Innovate and create your own unique offers to get more customers into your restaurant.

Mark birthdays and anniversaries of customers to give special offers

This may sound quite tacky and common but yes, this works well. Keep your database updated and email your customers – at least the regulars – on their birthdays and anniversaries. Not only that, go a step beyond and offer some freebies like a small cake or free desserts or snacks. The objective is to incentivize, make them feel special and get them to your restaurant for their special celebrations.

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Your food and service must be impeccable to retain customers. But the first challenge is to get them inside the restaurant through the doors. All tips are time-tested, but some may work for your restaurant and some may fail. You need to experiment and see what works and what does not. You would need to be creative here to roll out your own unique plans and ideas to get more and more customers to your place. 

Also Read: Best Ways To Organically Reach Customers For Restaurants

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