Second only to Google, which technically owns it, YouTube is the largest search engine on Earth.

So, if your online marketing campaign lacks a strategy for YouTube, you’re seriously missing our on a great platform onto which your business can grow immensely.

Reportedly, around 500 hours+ of video content is uploaded on YouTube every minute. Billions of people consume content on YouTube everyday and they’re always looking for more.

YouTube is available in about 92 countries and in 80 languages, with further expansion planned.

So what’re the steps your brand must take to grasp the huge opportunities to grow through YouTube?

  1. Customise Your YouTube Channel.

A YouTube channel is a separate entity of its own, can be found through search, whenever people are typing your name or a generic term in Google and can also be used to build brand loyalty and its own community (subscribers), giving you yet another platform to get heard from.

But for that to work, you need to work on your YouTube channel consistently.

Here’s what you need to do first – Customize your YouTube channel.

Navigate to “My channel, then “Customize channel” and “Channel settings.” There click “Customize the layout of your channel” and do the needful. This is an important step because it lays the foundation.

  1. Planning and Creating Content.

Creating your YouTube channel marketing is important in one element by itself – to create the right content.

These are few types of video you can make, research each type before selecting one.

  • Vlog
  • Information/Educational
  • Tutorial/How-To
  • Review
  • Livestreaming
  • Interviews
  • Critiques, etc.

Select one according to your business style and what you want to show off.

  1. Optimizing YouTube SEO.

As it’s the second biggest search engine in the world and owned by Google, you can take some of the tactics that you apply to improve your YouTube SEO and get results. There are also some specific YouTube tactics that you can apply too, the title and description of your videos. These videos will come up in Google searches and give you control over the keywords and phrases you could get listed for.

  1. Use YouTube Video Tags & Playlist.

The YouTube search algorithms takes your tags into consideration as keywords when categorizing your videos and including them in results and recommendations for users. It will help you a great deal if you add tags on your videos, even if just a couple. Just not too many.

The YouTube playlists come up in searches, too. By adding your videos to well named playlists, you can get several more new views on them.

  1. Some Simple YouTube Marketing Strategies.

You have a lot of options apart from in-video cards and on-platform SEO if you’re starting or continuing in YouTube marketing. But you can use the following easy ways.

  • Share on Social Media.

Your content is loved by your followers when shared on social media. Promoting your own brand is expected, and it is okay. However, you must do it right. Make requests for followers and subscriptions. Just don’t irritate them with it. If your content is fresh, relevant and personal, you’ll receive a lot more user engagements and interaction due to the refreshing nature of your video.

  • Email/Blog Posts.

Make your email video more than just a link. Add an image with a play button on it to receive several more clicks.

You can also use this same technique to promote the video on your website, too, by writing a blog post about its release.

  • Work With Other Creators.

A great way to market your YouTube content is by working with other folks on YouTube. This is an amazing way to get more YouTube subscribers and views. Working alongside other YouTubers is also very much like the interview videos mentioned earlier.

  • YouTube Ads.

Paid options are also available to advertise your content on YouTube. By using YouTube ads, you can plan the money you’ll need to get to start marketing in the early stages, or to give a huge boost for a profile that’s already growing.

  1. YouTube Analytics and Metrics.

YouTube gives you a lot of analytics and metrics for your channel, and you need to be able to understand them to gauge whether or not your channel is a success. Or if your YouTube marketing has been a success.

However, you might not be needing all these tools. The main trio consists of views, followers, and subscribers. These three are the top ranking factors on the way to be popular on YouTube. So they definitely need to be a priority.

Also see where your traffic is coming from and where the most of your audience is based at. Create your content accordingly.


Just remember that success on YouTube is a long term process, and you have to put in the work. It’s in your best interest to approach YouTube marketing with a plan instead of randomly posting some videos and hoping people click the link back to your site.

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