Regardless if you’re a graphic designer who’s dealing with website design or a fashion designer trying to get more potential clients, creating a digital portfolio is a good idea to reach more clients. If you haven’t thought about it, it’s about time to boost your online presence so you can your designs online without physically meeting prospects.

Here are different ways to showcase your designs online:

  1. Create A Website

One crucial element to get your designs online is to create a great website. This is an essential requirement if you want to kickstart your digital marketing campaigns for your creations. Your website serves as your digital business card as you can post your portfolio and share your creative designs and ideas through your website.

Check the following tips when creating a website to showcase your designs:

  • Ensure that your website is good to look at: Since you’ll be showcasing your designs on your website, it’s also important to have an eye-catching website. This means that it should strike a good balance between negative or white space and other visual elements to avoid causing eye strain. The background and theme should complement each other.
  • Reduce loading time: It’s essential to have a fast-loading website to avoid user frustration due to sluggish web pages. You want your audience to be able to click, zoom, and explore your designs without having to wait for a couple of minutes.
  • User-friendly: Your website must be easy to use with easy-to-locate scroll, menu, and other navigation tools.
  1. Legitimize Your Designs Through Electronic Signature

AdobeStock_409466440-800x336 4 Ways To Get Your Designs Online

AdobeStock_409466440-800x336 4 Ways To Get Your Designs Online

With the advancement of digital technology, generic and pirated designs are all over the web. Also, there’s a high risk of other people copying your designs. So, it’s crucial to protect and legitimize your designs through electronic signatures from reputable providers, such as jSign.

Here are the benefits of using an electronic signature for your designs:

  • Protect your intellectual property: Before you upload your designs, make sure that you have your signature or watermark on them. Printing, scanning, or faxing documents isn’t required to get project approvals for your designs and finalize documents. Also, sign documents online and boost productivity without worrying about design leakage.
  • Boost your online presence: If you have a website, boost your online presence by signing your designs and sharing them across your social media networks. You can write a disclosure that using or copying your designs without permission is a violation of the intellectual property law and will put the person at risk of facing legal consequences.
  • Increase your trust rating: Attract more clients by including your electronic signature on your designs before getting them online. In this way, it gives them an impression that you’re strict about exclusivity and you’re a legitimate and professional designer.
  1. Take Advantage of Social Media


Reach your target audience by kickstarting your social media presence. Hence, create your social media page dedicated to your creations. For instance, Instagram is a photo-based social media network where you can post your designs. With creative designs, posting them on this platform increases your chances of reaching more people.

Whether you’re an interior designer or logo graphic artist, expanding your online presence on social media is a good idea to acquire more potential clients. You can also expand your reach by boosting your post’s views using social media marketing tools and application programming interface or social media APIs.

  1. Online Videos

Since videos are appealing, uploading them is a more interactive way to deliver your message to your prospects than texts and images. So, use videos to tell your design story or your inspiration. For instance, create inspiring videos on how you came up with creative designs, such as your recent nature trip, interpersonal relationship experience, and inspirations.

Video popularity has spiked during the pandemic–with a forecast of 83% of web content will be video this year. This being said, video marketing is undoubtedly the king of content, especially for designers. So, start creating YouTube and TikTok videos to highlight your creations. These platforms have made millions of videos viral, and you might just be the next.


Get your creative designs online by creating your website and taking advantage of an electronic signature to protect your intellectual property. Also, social media presence is essential to reach your intended audience by using social media APIs and other helpful tools. Furthermore, uploading online videos of your designs is a fantastic way to attract more potential clients. By following these tips, you may showcase your designs to the world, allowing you to attract more customers.

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