Your Team is Not “Them”


This post was written for engineering managers, but anyone is welcome to read it. Let’s talk for a moment about how we talk about our teams. This might not seem like something that needs a whole article dedicated to it,…

Shared Element Transitions


I was just Hoping for Better Native Page Transitions, and Bramus commented that Chrome is working on something. Looks like it has some fresh enthusiasm for it, as there is a brand new repo, and you can literally test it in…

7 Reasons to Use a Static Site Generator


Static site generators (SSGs) have become increasingly popular over the past decade. This article discusses how your site could benefit from the developer-friendly build processes, easier deployments, improved performance, and better security offered by a static site. First, let’s establish…

The Biggest Web Design Mistakes to Avoid


Chances are, if you don’t like a company’s website, you’re not going to stay on it for very long. Constant disruptive pop-ups? Annoying. Wonky navigation bar? Forget it. Even the slightest flaw in the design layout can quickly drive users…