A Beginner’s Guide to SvelteKit


Sveltekit is an officially supported framework, built around Svelte. It adds key features to a Svelte app — such as routing, layouts and server-side rendering — and makes front-end development outrageously simple. In this tutorial, we’ll take a beginner-friendly look…

Gillmor Gang: FreeCoin


[embedded content] The current rave about newsletters and so-called or social audio is just the latest version of the story of podcasting. Take the idea that podcasting is experiencing a new wave of popularity and scaffolding. Are you sure? Apple…

6 Stunning Web Design Trends of 2021


Just as with other industries in the creative world, the web designing  industry isn’t without specific practices that most designers find as their go-to picks. Failing to keep up with the latest method, tips, and techniques in such a competitive…