Creating a Headless WordPress Site With Frontity


Frontity is a WordPress-focused React-based server-side dynamic-rendering framework (phew!) that allows us to create fast headless websites. Chris has a good introduction to Frontity. I guess you could think of it like Next.js for WordPress. And while the demand for…

FMCG Business Plan


The fast-moving consumer goods, or FMCG, are everyday items that the average consumer uses regularly. Most of these products are very cheap to buy and include products like shampoo, soap, and coffee. FMCG products are much in demand, and the…

The FTC has refiled its case against Facebook


One of the US government’s most powerful regulatory agencies, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), has refiled its historic antitrust lawsuit against Facebook, claiming it’s a monopoly that is hurting competition and harming consumers. The move comes after a judge dismissed…

The Big Gotcha With Custom Properties


I’ve seen this confuse more than a handful of people recently, including myself, so I’m making sure it’s written down. Let’s chuck a couple of custom properties into CSS: html { –color-1: red; –color-2: blue; } Let’s use them right…

12 Ways to Reduce Customer Churn Rate


About 44% of businesses focus on customer acquisition, while only 18% focus on customer retention. This lack of focus on customer retention has led to considerable losses in Saas and the eCommerce industry. It is estimated that such industries lose…

Using Nuxt and Supabase for a Multi-User Blogging App


Nuxt is a JavaScript framework that extends the existing functionality of Vue.js with features like server-side rendering, static page generation, file-based routing, and automatic code splitting among other things. I’ve been enjoying using frameworks like Nuxt and Next because they…