Being a competent video editor is all about finding the tools and techniques that work for you. Crafting a personal process takes time and commitment, so it makes sense that you would want to stick with the software you’ve become most confident with.

Staying loyal to your existing digital toolbox certainly has its benefits, but failing to experiment with new, emerging technology can also put you at a disadvantage. A task that typically takes you hours to complete could well be eliminated with a tool that has just entered the market.

By keeping up to date with new digital tools and technology, you can ensure that you’re producing the best videos you can, as efficiently as possible.

Building Your Digital Toolbox In An Evolving Technological Landscape

With new video editing tools seemingly being released every single week, how can you decide where to best spend your cash? Although investing in new technology is likely to boost your performance, you still don’t want to be sinking funds into software that isn’t going to gel with your process.

Websites such as DigitalSupermarket allow for easy comparison between video editing tools. Using these resources, alongside industry-specific forums and review sites, you can highlight the software that’s going to effectively enhance your editing and streamline your projects.

Over time, this will allow you to construct a digital toolset that brings your tried and trusted software into harmony with newer tools and processes.

What’s Next For Video Editing Software?

The video editing industry has changed immeasurably in the past decade. If you’d told someone 10 years ago what’s possible now, you would no doubt have been met with disbelief. It’s tough to predict where video software will be in the future, but there are a few current trends that are likely to be part of shaping what’s to come.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that video editing tools are as good as they’re going to get, and ignoring these new trends and ways of working. In the long run, this could become a barrier to your existence at the forefront of the industry.

With this in mind, let’s take a look at the main thing that is going to affect video editing in the coming years: AI.

The continuing rise of AI

Slowly but surely, artificial intelligence is seeping its way into every aspect of our personal and professional lives. At this point, it’s purely naive to think that AI is going to be anything but a central player in the video editing and wider software industry.

In fact, AI already has a significant presence in the editing world. Video tools such as Gliacloud and Rawshorts are planted firmly in the machine learning realm, while industry giants like Adobe have also started to integrate AI into aspects of their technology.

In short, keep your eyes peeled for an AI editing tool that could work for you. By finding the right software, you could be able to cut out time-consuming tasks and vastly improve the efficiency of your workflow.

The pushback against AI

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. As AI gets more and more influential, so will the pushback against it, opening up the opportunity for more traditional, hands-on editing software to regain a foothold.

The best video editors will be those that know when to streamline with AI, and when to take the reins themselves. These editors will need a toolbox that offers them the means to do this, which reinforces just how important it is to stay abreast with the latest software developments.

To Summarize

The world of video editing software can be a confusing place. However, this doesn’t mean that video editors should find themselves in the mindset that their current setup is going to be effective forever. Keeping your ear to the ground in terms of new digital tools is super important if you want to continue to thrive in the industry.

When choosing new editing tools, be sure to compare and contrast them with the competition. At its core, your digital toolbox should be a carefully curated collection of software that ultimately enhances the ways in which you like to work.

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