On-page optimisation for SEO helps to ensure that your webpage content is suites for both users and search engines. While it might sound complicated, once you start to get into it, you will find that there are some simple things you can do to help with the optimisation of the pages on your website. Let’s look at some of the practical things you will want to do.
Improve the Keyword Use in the Content for Better SEO
One of the first things you want to do to help with on-page SEO is to make sure that you are using your keywords properly. Not only do you need to have the right keywords, but you also need to be sure they are used well. Ideally, the main keywords of the page will appear within the first 100 to 150 words on the page. You also need to be sure that the keywords are used naturally and not merely stuffed into the content.
Keep in mind that the content created for the pages needs to be high-quality. While you might not need to have earth-shattering posts each time out, you want to provide your users with a reason to come back. This means quality content that they can use or that will entertain them in some way.
Use Heading Tags for the Post Title and Subheadings
Even though may feel that using an H1 tag for the post titles on pages is not needed, it can still be effective. Google will often better understand the page’s structure when this tag is included. It can often make understanding the page structure easier for the users, too.
You will also want to use H2 tags for your subheadings. You should strive to use one of your keywords in at least one of the subheadings on the page if it makes sense to do so.
Outbound Links and Backlinks
Rather than having an insular site that never links to anything, consider adding some quality outbound links. Sites with links to sites with authority or recognition tend to have better rankings, as well as more trust from the users. Additionally, remember to try to get backlinks from reputable sites that lead to your pages. This helps to show that you have a trusted site.
You should also optimize your images by adding alt text and using meta descriptions with keywords in them. These are all some of the practical and relatively simple ways that you can start to improve your on-page optimisation. For more information or advice, get in touch with your local SEO company. Net Search, a Perth based SEO company has some great information about SEO and onpage optimisation available on their site.