Marketing Hacks for Customer Attraction on MakeMyTrip
Marketing Hacks for Customer Attraction on MakeMyTrip

The landscape of the online travel service industry has been continuously evolving since its infancy phase. Earlier, the technology used to be the key element behind the competition. Nevertheless, now the emphasis has been shifted towards the customer attraction and more than that on customer retention. After all, technology alone cannot be the sole driving force when it comes to run and manage the business. Here, browse through the sequence of actions of growth marketing hacks for Customer Attraction that online travel portals like MMT must pursue achieving lasting business growth:

How To Attract Customer Marketing Hacks on MakeMyTrip

Identify Actionable Objectives

Defining actionable goals precisely is one of the proven marketing hacks for customer attraction on MakeMyTrip. No matter, it is about earning email subscribers or enhancing sales, the goal-setting must meet the criteria of clarity, decisiveness, and feasibility. To grasp clarity whether the goals are being achieved or not, it has become imperative to rely on the productivity of the advanced analytical tools like Google Analytics. Such tools can prove to be of great use in gaining a clear inkling of behaviors of ideal customers. Moreover, with their help, it becomes much easier to establish advanced goals in terms of customer attraction. 

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Enhanced Mobile-friendly Experience

Considering the fact that the majority of the users use their mobile phones for browsing websites, laying focus on offering the superior mobile-browsing experience to attract and secure new customers is the dire need of the hour. 

Taking Online Reviews Seriously

Customer Reviews are one of the most authenticate tools to discover the existing gap between brand promises and the actual deliveries. On positive reviews, it is imperative to express gratefulness and on a negative review, it is indispensable to take action to improve services or at least express apologies. 

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Invest In informative And Unique Content

There is neither any short-cut to ensure putting forward a meaningful relevant content nor is there an alternative to the same. In today’s world, it is essential to put more serious effort into curating captivating stories. In return, these stories are bound to take care of increment in product sales and services. Online travel agencies like MMT must try to explore more appealing ideas to narrate intriguing stories so that their loyal customers compel their network to take a glance at the stories. 

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Creative Customer Engagement

After gaining clarity about ideal customers, the next immediate step should be to engage them through observing their habits and behavior. This can be achieved through varied means like offering premium deals, providing informative content on trending destinations or unleashing new travel experiences. This customer attraction marketing hack will enable them to acquire knowledge about diversified travel products. Also, capitalizing on the expertise of travel influencers and guest bloggers are one such marketing hack that can never lead to disappointment. 

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Leverage Existing Loyal Users to Attract New Customers

Inspiring existing loyal users to share content can prove to be an effective marketing hack for customer attraction for online travel brands like MakeMyTrip. This strategy also goes by the name of ‘Chain Reaction’. However, for this strategy to yield results, the content has to be unique, informative and value-driven. Moreover, efforts are to be made to strike a fine balance between new customer acquisitions and maintaining the existing base of loyal customers. Failing to do so is going to be one of the biggest causes of business failure. 

Stay in Touch with Loyal Subscribers

Be it email marketing, marketing through word-of-mouth or referral marketing, using one single tactic will be monotonous. This is time for the MMT and similar travel entities to think of some groundbreaking strategy perhaps focused primarily on social media sharing, to be in touch with their loyal subscribers. 

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Final Thoughts

Growth hacking in terms of marketing can prove to be a game-changer provided if implemented in a correct manner. It is indeed a proven strategy meant to attract ideal leads, nurture and retain them. In growth-hacking, the focus now is clearly on delivering full proof of top-notch customer experience. The varied experiments have already served as an eye-opener for not only online booking market leaders in travel domain like MMT, but also for travel aggregators, travel agencies and many more. The experiments include emphasizing on transaction cost management instead of delivering sophisticated customer experience. 

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