Best-Way-To-Merchandise-Products-On PayTm
Best-Way-To-Merchandise-Products-On PayTm

India’s biggest e-wallet and a major e-commerce platform Paytm announced its plans to expand its flagship e-commerce business to Paytm Mall, further to accommodate more small and medium enterprises. This decision came with a host of new offers for those ready to join the portal like 0% gateway charges, no KYC below INR 1 Lakh, and so on. Paytm Mall is soon to be expected to be the third biggest e-commerce site operating in India.

It means that Paytm is going to be the next frontier for all those looking to make an online presence for your consumer business. So, to help you get through with it effectively, we have decided to dedicate this article to guide you through the best practices of merchandising your products on Paytm Mall.

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Best Way To Merchandise Products On PayTm

Online Merchandising – what is it anyway?

Online Merchandising or e-commerce merchandising is the strategic display or arrangement of products on an e-commerce website so that it looks interesting as well as appealing to potential customers and makes them buy your products.

Today, e-commerce websites like Paytm Mall are giving Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) a chance to indulge in brand building and sell products through the internet without having to own their own website. So, if you are an owner of sn SME and wish to effectively do business with the fastest growing e-commerce space in India, just read through the following article to get the expert know-how.

Merchandising right to help your product stand out:

To make your products stand out on heavy traffic, online merchandising platforms like Paytm, you’ll need everything to be good. It makes customers get attracted to click on your product just by the look of it.

Below are some of the important aspects which, when taken care of will make your products stand out among a host of products on the platform. 

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Product photos

Let’s face it; product photos are essential in driving sales in e-commerce as the customer can’t have a physical look at the actual product. Your product will be judged on the images you’ve presented.

Product photos should be clear. Nobody will buy a product if the photos do not attract.

Stellar storytelling

Your online merchandising plan should always include a stellar story that is interesting and inspires people. This will create an online window-shopping experience for those visiting the website/ application, which in turn encourages impulsive buying and sometimes even multiple buying in some cases.

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Dazzle them with a great Product Description

The main objective of product descriptions is to showcase your product qualities. Firstly, they must be able to create a clear picture of your product in the mind of the buyer so that he/she doesn’t hesitate even for a second before clicking that elusive “buy now” button. Secondly, clearly underline how your product is supposed to benefit your customer.

All of this means that the particulars of your product such as size, shape, colour and other details should be clearly mentioned in one paragraph. While the other paragraphs  you should specify how the product will benefit your customer. This can be done by posting pictures suggesting ways to use the product.

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Always be engaging in the Reviews Section

Whether it is a review that a customer is posting or a question that a potential customer is asking, you need to be active and engaging in the review section. While thanking customers for positive reviews will show your humility and thankfulness to them, apologizing and promising for better quality next time will show your resolve to offer high-quality products and dynamic improvement. Lastly, resolving any customer doubts will not only solve doubts and problems but also help future customers.

Also Read: Top Marketing Hacks To Attract And Retain Customers On PayTM


Paytm is fast becoming a growing force in India’s e-commerce world. As one of the fastest-growing e-commerce marketplaces, it would be a good choice to invest. With ongoing promotions, you can benefit from the drive, and sign up more people.

Also, practicing proven merchandising techniques is going to benefit your business in the future. With e-commerce taking the central stage as the years roll by, merchandising will help your business thrive in the ve-commerce universe.

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