How to Use ngrok to Share a Local Development Site


This tutorial demonstrates a way to share your localhost development server with anyone, anywhere using ngrok to create a secure tunnel to your local machine. Demonstrating your application’s latest features to project managers or clients isn’t easy unless they’re sitting…

8 Wi-Fi Connectivity Solutions for Startups


Startups live online. The flexible, customer-first, and tech-focused nature of a startup requires a fast Wi-Fi connection that’s always up and running. If your Wi-Fi is lagging or constantly crashing, it’ll hold your business back. Unfortunately, even the best Wi-Fi…

How to Create a Lifestyle Blog with WordPress


Undoubtedly, lifestyle and fashion bloggers require a blog that is visually appealing and stands out. Features, such as elegant galleries, beautiful typography, a lot of white space, and more, help share the blog posts.  If paired with a responsive design,…